Disney Store UK October 10th release: Rapunzel + Three Caballeros
I wish people would be more reasonable with trades though. It seems like everyone is more interested in quantity for this pin instead of quality. It's an LE 500...and ranges in auction between $75-100 (although it seems to finally be dropping by a few dollars now to around $95). I could offer $95 in pins and I still get shut down. Even if there LE 125's or 250's and of good characters too (not Tink or Goofy or something like that). Its a joke sometimes though
If I do eventually have one of these pins to trade, I'm just hoping I'll be able to get either a Phantom Manor pin for it (they're pretty hard to trade for) as I've been trying to complete that collection for ages now. Or a pin that's high up on my wants. I wouldn't ask somebody to over-trade for the pin... but I do have to be a bit picky with what kind of pin to trade it for, as its not often I get a great trader like this; that is... if I do get the pin as a trader. Not sure what others are asking for with this pin though.
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