Okay, if u said u will never buy them and u do, shame on you, if u buy them and put them on lanyards, it might benwrong but is not a crime, but what I think is really unacceptable, is: some people buy lots of 200, around .50 cents a pin, these people go to parks, and trade for anything, doesn't matter if it is good or not, as long as it is not a obvious scrapper, then these people come come, and sell real pins on eBay or here for 2 to 3 dollars a pin, they are real, but now we know how the got them, they are making it a business by not just pin trading but buy hundreds of fake pin and leaving them at the parks then selling them, then getting more fakes to keep doing the same thing. I don't judge, but I know 2 people that do that here, is sad but I don't trade with them for that reason. I had bough manny pins from Disney, real pins, as everybody knows my boyfriend spoils me lots and let me spend lots money doing this pin trading stuff, but when somebody once told me that they sold them on eBay, I boigh a lot of 20 or 2, then I actually keep a few of that scrapper lot in my collection not knowing better, then we bought a bigger lot, that is when thanks to breagirl I was shown what is a scrapper, I went through most of them, and the obvious ones I took them aside and later on I gave them to my cousin who is 5, now thanks to the lots I had bought before and since I traded some of them I have the good pins I do, but as manny know, most of my pins are real pins with original cards since I like to buy good traders in order to trade for my nice wants. Are you a bad per for getting scrappers out of eBay not knowing better, no, are u a bad person for buying them now, no, however, if u said the word, never in the sentence "I will never buy scrappers" and you do, then that is a different story, and don't get me started with buying pins at .50 cents then trading for them and either selling them as traders for higher value or selling them individual with a obviously higher value than what you payed for them, also keeping in mind that u are infecting lanyards with scrappers to get some money on your packages. I know this is off topic, but for example, many people here are amazing individuals, but when it comes to selling, they become selfish, greedy people who takes the fun out this fun event and make it a bussiness, back when the mystery stamps were being sold, a few people said that they had them for sale because they needed to get some money back they had spend in order to finish their sets and have a lot of repeats, lol, oh please, funny people using the words"recovering some money", they were making a paycheck, a pouch for mystery stamps are $16, that is $8 a pin, these people were asking $34 to $40 for one stamp, the lower I saw was like $14 for one, that is not getting some money back from buying the stamps, that is making money out of the poor people who can't go to the park often and get them, same thing with the Alice in wonderland event at Disneyland, I know this one u had to payed for the entrance on Saturday and some missed work and that is okay to race the price a little but some of these people were asking for 3 times how much they are worth. We all have dirty secrets, we all want to be liked here in this community(pin trading) but don't say you hate this and that, when u are so very much doing this thing u said u dislike so much, it could be buying scrappers, or whatever it is, that is called being a two face person, which is not nice. Let's just keep it fun people, like theressa has in her signature, "live the dream" and just smile, let's not make more drama. Hope u all having a great day, and happy trading to you all.