As some may already know or probably figured with my lack of post, I am no longer pin trading.
This is not to the fault of DPF or anyone at all- simply just do not have the time anymore.
We have many a extra pins however that could use new homes if anyone would like them.
Pins will be contained in Post #2 - #4
I will try to keep the thread updated with either new pins or pins sold
on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Those days will also be my main shipping days.
So now onto the pin info…
~ Shipping (unless otherwise noted) ~
USA Shipping:
1 - 5 Pins = $2.50
6 - 10 Pins = $3.50
Over 10 Pins = $5.00
International Shipping:
1 Pin = $7
1 - 3 Pins = $9
4 -9 = $11
Anything Over 10 = pm me so I can first weigh amount.
<This is based on mailing in a bubble mailer as First Class International (DC should be available if I pay for it online). If you would like another rate (i.e. priority) let me know, and I can research a quote>
~ Holding Pins ~
Pins will typically not be held, and will remain available to others until payment is received.
I list a lot of our pins up on our eBay site simultaneously, so while I'm happy to end auctions prematurely, I'd rather not go through the trouble of doing so just for someone to end up backing out of the sale.
If you need time to pay, we are always open to allowing time to pay as long as there is a clear understanding of specifically what day the pins will be paid for, so that we can plan to ship them accordingly. Communication is a must.
~ Offers? ~
Best Offers are Always Considered for any Pins, or if you are Purchasing Multiples
We would, however, appreciate your stating an actual offer, rather than entertaining any "how low can you go" PMs.
We try to be fair when figuring in our prices, and many of the pins are listed at lower amounts than even we ourselves paid when initially adding them to our collections.
~ Questions? ~
Did I leave anything out? Is something unclear?
Please feel free to pm or post here!
!! Thanks again to everyone for everything and giving me such great pin memories here !!
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