Alrighty. Here's the run. Funnily enough, NONE of you got Alice. Not a single one. Hahah! There's really no good way for me to just auto trade them. So I'll post the pictures here, and you guys can discuss if you want to trade and let me know.
Haunted575 's pins:
Rose, Queen, Caterpillar
Dodo, Cheshire, Club Card
Tweedles, Rose, March Hare
Butterfly, Dinah, Heart Card
Addicted to Alice's pins:
Queen, Tweedles, Tweedles, Rose
Butterfly, Club Card, Dinah, Heart Card
Queen, March Hare, King, Rose
Hatter, White Rabbit, Cheshire, Dodo
Kmeakin's pins:
Rose, Tweedles, Doormouse, King
White Rabbit, Cheshire, Hatter, Dinah
Good luck, guys. XD I'll check in when I get home!
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