You're first on the list for the random drawing, not first to get the pin (sorry if the rules I wrote were confusing).Yippeeee I got the 1st spot for marquee and library. You don't have to worry about me selling, these are for me. Let me know when you want Payment. I'm PayPal ready
Oh, and let me know if I've forgotten anyone! ^_^
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Oops, sorry! All fixed now! ^_^You correctly removed me from the stand alone Belle silhouette, but didn't add me to the Belle silhouette from the Princess set.
Added!Please add my name to the library pin
Added!I'd like to be on the list for the Library pin and the Beast. C: and the Jasmine Silhouette.
Oh, and the Marquee. I kinda like it.
Please and thank you. ;w;
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Thank you! c: I gotta say, I'm a sucker for anything Beastly. XDAdded!
Sent from my SM-G550T using Tapatalk
Since there are other in line for Jasmine, I'll step out of that as well. But if it ends up empty, I can step in to make the set happen.Lists updated to here!
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Sure thing!Since there are other in line for Jasmine, I'll step out of that as well. But if it ends up empty, I can step in to make the set happen.
Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Off the list. ^_^I think I need to back out of the library pin. Not part of my collection but soo pretty. Thanks though. Much appreciated