SOLD! WDW May Pickups: At Cost! (All? Pins Announced!)
Here we go for May! If you spot something you’re interested in, just leave a comment (not a PM) with what you’d like for me to pick up.
If you would like for me to do a pick-up for you, please comment here. I will send you a PM with the necessary information.
Cost will be: Retail + Total Tax on your order + $1 surcharge per pin* + shipping** (+ paypal fees if sent as goods rather than gift).
**Shipping is $3 for US shipping for the first pin, then $0.50 per additional pin, up to $7, which gets you Priority 2-Day. I’m happy to hold pins for the entire month to save on shipping if you are grabbing multiple pins.
**FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: Please be sure to mention this in your comments so that you get the correct invoice the first time. Shipping just a few pins to Europe and overseas is a whopping $15!! Canada is a more moderate $9. I’m happy to hold pins for several releases to maximize on shipping cost. OR if you trade with someone stateside, I’m happy to send your pins to them and only charge you for US shipping (if it’s okay with them, of course). Please let me know your preference when you request a spot.
Invoices will go out weekly (since Disney enjoys torturing us and withholding the flyers…). Pins will be announced around 9:15am each Thursday as I arrive at the parks.
Finally, since prices have not been announced, the prices listed here is just an estimate based on past releases.
May 4
*NOTE* Due to my PhD exam happening on May 4[SUP]th[/SUP] in Mississippi, I won’t be able to go to the park until probably Monday, May 8[SUP]th[/SUP].
Pandora Countdown Pin #3: A World Like No Other
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 1,250
1) AidanShepard (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) theoucharis (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Leatherneck26 (sold out)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Teachers' Day 2017: Mr. Ray, Squirt, and Nemo
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) btowndude (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Nurses' Day 2017: Nana and Michael
Retail: $12.99
Limited Release
1) Disneychildwithin (sold out)
2) btowndude (sold out)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Star Wars: May 4[SUP]th[/SUP]
Retail: $14.99
Limited Release
1) Me
2) DarthTrader (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Star Wars: May 5[SUP]th[/SUP]
Retail: $14.99
Limited Release
1) Me
2) DarthTrader (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Cinco de Mayo 2017: Burrito
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) RoadRunner8310 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Opening Day
Retail: $12.99
Limited Release
1) TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) Leatherneck (paid, obtained, holding x2)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Character Connection: Jungle Book
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 900 / Chasers: 600
1) Speedwaystar1 (x2) (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
May 11
Disney Film Mystery Set
Retail: $16.99 (2 pins per box)
Limited Release / Chasers (sepia version) LE 600
*NOTE: I'll be divvying these up one at a time. So if I am able to get 7 boxes, and the first 5 people want 3 boxes each, each person will only get one box and the first and second people will get the sixth and seventh boxes. Now, these are limited release, so I HIGHLY doubt I won't be able to fill the requests between all of the resorts. So don't worry. But I wanted to explain that process. <3
*NOTE 2: Plan for Saturday 5/13: I will first be filling the orders made before the pins' release, then I will be moving into the other requests with the "divvying" style listed above.
1) Princess (x4)
2) Pilcrow (x4)
3) PinFan (x5)
4) disneykins (x3)
5) -------------
Wave 1 (5/11):
2) AidanShepard (x2) (paid, shipped)
3) NewlyAddicted (x3) (paid, holding)
4) Speedwaystar1 (x2) (paid, holding)
5) Ocean7 (x3) (paid, shipped)
6) Summerskin (x2) (paid, shipped)
7) theoucharis (x2) (paid, shipped)
8) Poohlady5 (x2) (paid, shipped)
9)nemo558 (x1) (paid, shipped)
10) pinnochiolover (x2) (paid, holding)
11) SiuJerkJai (x1) (paid, shipped)
12) kairi08 (x2) (paid, shipped)
13) AshleyV (x1) (paid, shipped)
14) Strawberryfizz (x2) (paid, shipped)
15) disneykins (x2) (paid, shipped)
16) Tinkerbelle1956 (x2) (paid, shipped)
Wave 2 (5/13):
3) NewlyAddicted (x2) (paid, holding)
5) Ocean7 (x2) (paid, shipped)
10) pinnochiolover (x2) (paid, holding)
12) kairi08 (x1) (paid, shipped)
14) Strawberryfizz (x1) (paid, shipped)
17) Purplemandms (x1) (paid, shipped)
19) nemo558 (x2) (paid, shipped)
20) Haunted575 (x3) (paid, delivered)
21) Spr175psu (x5) (paid, shipped)
22) theoucharis (x2) (paid, shipped)
23) Motba (x6) (paid, shipped)
24) PinFan (x3) (paid, shipped)
25) Mickeyplutofan (x5) (paid, holding)
26) snwwht85 (x3) (invoiced)
27) speedwaystar1 (x2) (paid, holding)
Mother's Day 2017: Jenny and Baby Dory
Retail: $14.99
Edition size: 5,000
1) Me
2) juliepinetree (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Graduation 2017: Stitch
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) kairi08 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) natelove (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) MichaelEssexUK (x4) (paid, obtained, holding)
4) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Explorers Up a Pole
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) summerskin (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) maiarebecca (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) Spr175psu (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
7) --------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Skipper Nametag
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) caw caw rawr (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) maiarebecca (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) Chris L. (FB) (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) Spr175psu (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
7) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
8) Luki
9) ---------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Trader Sam
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) FoolsihMortal71 (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) maiarebecca (paid, shipped)
5) Spr175psu (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
7) ---------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Steering Wheel Jumbo
Retail: $79.99
Edition Size: 500
1) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
3) Pin Trader (paid, obtained, holding)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
May 18
Piece of Disney History: Flying Fish Cafe
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 1,500
1) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
WDW Resort Passholder Gemstone Collection: Figment
Retail: $16.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) hopemax (paid, obtained, delivered)
3) GreyWyvern (paid, obtained)
4) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Storybook Steeds Mystery Set
Retail: $16.99 (two per box - One Revealed (pictured above) and one Conceal)
Limited Release
*NOTE: These are Reveal/Conceal pins, meaning one of the above seven are pictured in each box and behind them is a random "concealed" pin (not one of the pictured ones). As such, please indicate which Reveal pin(s) you would like when making your request. Thanks!
1) disneykins (Peg, RU, K, Ph) (paid, obtained, holding)
2) --------------
2) Speedwaystar1 (x7) (Peg, RU, MP, Ich, B, K, Ph) (paid, holding)
3) Poohlady5 (RU, Buttercup) (paid, shipped)
4) nemo558 (x4) (MP, RU, Peg, Ph) (paid, shipped)
5) bcol (K) (paid, shipped)
6) Mickeyplutofan (x2) (B, Peg) (paid, holding)
7) SiuJerkJai (K) (paid, shipped)
8) lynn99 (x7) (Peg, K, B, MP, Ich RU, Ph) (paid, shipped)
9) Mike (IG) (Peg) (paid, shipped)
10) DisneyMagic x3 (K, Peg, MP) (paid, holding)
May 25
Doorways to Disney: Alice in Wonderland
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 4,000
1) Me
2) Addicted to Alice Pins (x2) (paid, obtained)
3) kairi08 (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) summerskin (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) nemo558 (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) pinnochiolover (paid, obtained, holding)
7) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
9) ---------------
Goofy 85th Anniversary Spinner
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales: Opening Day
Retail: $14.99
Limited Release
1)TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Essence of Evil: Yzma
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Speedwaystar1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) AidanShepard (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) NewlyAddicted (paid, obtained)
4) MichaelEssexUK (x2) (paid, obtained, holding)
5) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
7) ---------------
May 27
*NOTE: It is going to be PACKED on this day, and I’m planning on going the 28[SUP]th[/SUP] (my birthday), so depending on demand, I may not go on the first day, for my own sanity…
Countdown to Pandora Box Set: 5 pins
Retail: $109 (ESTIMATE based on past 5-pin box sets).
Edition Size: 250
1) NewlyAddicted (sold out)
2) Leatherneck (sold out)
3) Pin Trader (sold out)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Pandora Opening Day 2017
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 5,000
1) Me (x2)
2) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, holding)
3) Pin Trader (invoiced, obtained)
4) Fuzzybunny (paid, obtained)
5) Leatherneck26 (invoiced, obtained)
6) theoucharis (paid, obtained, holding)
7) kairi08 (invoiced, obtained)
8) NewlyAddicted (paid, obtained)
9) Spr175psu (invoiced, obtained)
World of Pandora Mystery Collection
Retail: $14.99 (2 pins per box)
Open Edition
1) Leatherneck26 (x2) (invoiced, obtained)
2) Pin Trader (x4) (invoiced, obtained)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Passholder Exclusive: Na'vi Shaman
Retail: $11.99
Limited Release
1) Me
2) MichaelEssexUK (x2) (paid, obtained)
3) NewlyAddicted (x2) (paid, obtained)
4) Pin Trader (invoiced, obtained)
5) Spr175psu (invoiced, obtained)
6) ---------------
Flight of Passage
Retail: $9.99
Open Edition
1) speedwaystar1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ---------------
3D Banshee
Retail: $12.99
Open Edition
1) ---------------
2) ---------------
Na'vi River Journey
Retail: $11.99
Open Edition
1) speedwaystar1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ---------------
A.C.E. Logo
Retail: $12.99
Open Edition
1) ---------------
2) ---------------
If you would like for me to do a pick-up for you, please comment here. I will send you a PM with the necessary information.
Cost will be: Retail + Total Tax on your order + $1 surcharge per pin* + shipping** (+ paypal fees if sent as goods rather than gift).
**Shipping is $3 for US shipping for the first pin, then $0.50 per additional pin, up to $7, which gets you Priority 2-Day. I’m happy to hold pins for the entire month to save on shipping if you are grabbing multiple pins.
**FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: Please be sure to mention this in your comments so that you get the correct invoice the first time. Shipping just a few pins to Europe and overseas is a whopping $15!! Canada is a more moderate $9. I’m happy to hold pins for several releases to maximize on shipping cost. OR if you trade with someone stateside, I’m happy to send your pins to them and only charge you for US shipping (if it’s okay with them, of course). Please let me know your preference when you request a spot.
Invoices will go out weekly (since Disney enjoys torturing us and withholding the flyers…). Pins will be announced around 9:15am each Thursday as I arrive at the parks.
Finally, since prices have not been announced, the prices listed here is just an estimate based on past releases.
May 4
*NOTE* Due to my PhD exam happening on May 4[SUP]th[/SUP] in Mississippi, I won’t be able to go to the park until probably Monday, May 8[SUP]th[/SUP].
Pandora Countdown Pin #3: A World Like No Other
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 1,250
1) AidanShepard (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) theoucharis (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Leatherneck26 (sold out)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Teachers' Day 2017: Mr. Ray, Squirt, and Nemo
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) btowndude (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Nurses' Day 2017: Nana and Michael
Retail: $12.99
Limited Release
1) Disneychildwithin (sold out)
2) btowndude (sold out)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Star Wars: May 4[SUP]th[/SUP]
Retail: $14.99
Limited Release
1) Me
2) DarthTrader (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Star Wars: May 5[SUP]th[/SUP]
Retail: $14.99
Limited Release
1) Me
2) DarthTrader (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Cinco de Mayo 2017: Burrito
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) RoadRunner8310 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Opening Day
Retail: $12.99
Limited Release
1) TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) Leatherneck (paid, obtained, holding x2)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Character Connection: Jungle Book
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 900 / Chasers: 600
1) Speedwaystar1 (x2) (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
May 11
Disney Film Mystery Set
Retail: $16.99 (2 pins per box)
Limited Release / Chasers (sepia version) LE 600
*NOTE: I'll be divvying these up one at a time. So if I am able to get 7 boxes, and the first 5 people want 3 boxes each, each person will only get one box and the first and second people will get the sixth and seventh boxes. Now, these are limited release, so I HIGHLY doubt I won't be able to fill the requests between all of the resorts. So don't worry. But I wanted to explain that process. <3
*NOTE 2: Plan for Saturday 5/13: I will first be filling the orders made before the pins' release, then I will be moving into the other requests with the "divvying" style listed above.
1) Princess (x4)
2) Pilcrow (x4)
3) PinFan (x5)
4) disneykins (x3)
5) -------------
Wave 1 (5/11):
2) AidanShepard (x2) (paid, shipped)
3) NewlyAddicted (x3) (paid, holding)
4) Speedwaystar1 (x2) (paid, holding)
5) Ocean7 (x3) (paid, shipped)
6) Summerskin (x2) (paid, shipped)
7) theoucharis (x2) (paid, shipped)
8) Poohlady5 (x2) (paid, shipped)
9)nemo558 (x1) (paid, shipped)
10) pinnochiolover (x2) (paid, holding)
11) SiuJerkJai (x1) (paid, shipped)
12) kairi08 (x2) (paid, shipped)
13) AshleyV (x1) (paid, shipped)
14) Strawberryfizz (x2) (paid, shipped)
15) disneykins (x2) (paid, shipped)
16) Tinkerbelle1956 (x2) (paid, shipped)
Wave 2 (5/13):
3) NewlyAddicted (x2) (paid, holding)
5) Ocean7 (x2) (paid, shipped)
10) pinnochiolover (x2) (paid, holding)
12) kairi08 (x1) (paid, shipped)
14) Strawberryfizz (x1) (paid, shipped)
17) Purplemandms (x1) (paid, shipped)
19) nemo558 (x2) (paid, shipped)
20) Haunted575 (x3) (paid, delivered)
21) Spr175psu (x5) (paid, shipped)
22) theoucharis (x2) (paid, shipped)
23) Motba (x6) (paid, shipped)
24) PinFan (x3) (paid, shipped)
25) Mickeyplutofan (x5) (paid, holding)
26) snwwht85 (x3) (invoiced)
27) speedwaystar1 (x2) (paid, holding)
Mother's Day 2017: Jenny and Baby Dory
Retail: $14.99
Edition size: 5,000
1) Me
2) juliepinetree (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Graduation 2017: Stitch
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) kairi08 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) natelove (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) MichaelEssexUK (x4) (paid, obtained, holding)
4) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Explorers Up a Pole
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) summerskin (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) maiarebecca (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) Spr175psu (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
7) --------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Skipper Nametag
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) caw caw rawr (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) maiarebecca (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) Chris L. (FB) (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) Spr175psu (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
7) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
8) Luki
9) ---------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Trader Sam
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) FoolsihMortal71 (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) maiarebecca (paid, shipped)
5) Spr175psu (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
7) ---------------
Jungle Cruise 45[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary: Steering Wheel Jumbo
Retail: $79.99
Edition Size: 500
1) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) Leatherneck26 (paid, obtained, holding)
3) Pin Trader (paid, obtained, holding)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
May 18
Piece of Disney History: Flying Fish Cafe
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 1,500
1) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
WDW Resort Passholder Gemstone Collection: Figment
Retail: $16.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) hopemax (paid, obtained, delivered)
3) GreyWyvern (paid, obtained)
4) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Storybook Steeds Mystery Set
Retail: $16.99 (two per box - One Revealed (pictured above) and one Conceal)
Limited Release
*NOTE: These are Reveal/Conceal pins, meaning one of the above seven are pictured in each box and behind them is a random "concealed" pin (not one of the pictured ones). As such, please indicate which Reveal pin(s) you would like when making your request. Thanks!
1) disneykins (Peg, RU, K, Ph) (paid, obtained, holding)
2) --------------
2) Speedwaystar1 (x7) (Peg, RU, MP, Ich, B, K, Ph) (paid, holding)
3) Poohlady5 (RU, Buttercup) (paid, shipped)
4) nemo558 (x4) (MP, RU, Peg, Ph) (paid, shipped)
5) bcol (K) (paid, shipped)
6) Mickeyplutofan (x2) (B, Peg) (paid, holding)
7) SiuJerkJai (K) (paid, shipped)
8) lynn99 (x7) (Peg, K, B, MP, Ich RU, Ph) (paid, shipped)
9) Mike (IG) (Peg) (paid, shipped)
10) DisneyMagic x3 (K, Peg, MP) (paid, holding)
May 25
Doorways to Disney: Alice in Wonderland
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 4,000
1) Me
2) Addicted to Alice Pins (x2) (paid, obtained)
3) kairi08 (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) summerskin (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) nemo558 (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) pinnochiolover (paid, obtained, holding)
7) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
9) ---------------
Goofy 85th Anniversary Spinner
Retail: $12.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) ---------------
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales: Opening Day
Retail: $14.99
Limited Release
1)TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Essence of Evil: Yzma
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Speedwaystar1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) AidanShepard (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) NewlyAddicted (paid, obtained)
4) MichaelEssexUK (x2) (paid, obtained, holding)
5) Dana J (Txt) (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Mickeyplutofan (paid, obtained, holding)
7) ---------------
May 27
*NOTE: It is going to be PACKED on this day, and I’m planning on going the 28[SUP]th[/SUP] (my birthday), so depending on demand, I may not go on the first day, for my own sanity…
Countdown to Pandora Box Set: 5 pins
Retail: $109 (ESTIMATE based on past 5-pin box sets).
Edition Size: 250
1) NewlyAddicted (sold out)
2) Leatherneck (sold out)
3) Pin Trader (sold out)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Pandora Opening Day 2017
Retail: $15.99
Edition Size: 5,000
1) Me (x2)
2) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, holding)
3) Pin Trader (invoiced, obtained)
4) Fuzzybunny (paid, obtained)
5) Leatherneck26 (invoiced, obtained)
6) theoucharis (paid, obtained, holding)
7) kairi08 (invoiced, obtained)
8) NewlyAddicted (paid, obtained)
9) Spr175psu (invoiced, obtained)
World of Pandora Mystery Collection
Retail: $14.99 (2 pins per box)
Open Edition
1) Leatherneck26 (x2) (invoiced, obtained)
2) Pin Trader (x4) (invoiced, obtained)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Passholder Exclusive: Na'vi Shaman
Retail: $11.99
Limited Release
1) Me
2) MichaelEssexUK (x2) (paid, obtained)
3) NewlyAddicted (x2) (paid, obtained)
4) Pin Trader (invoiced, obtained)
5) Spr175psu (invoiced, obtained)
6) ---------------
Flight of Passage
Retail: $9.99
Open Edition
1) speedwaystar1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ---------------
3D Banshee
Retail: $12.99
Open Edition
1) ---------------
2) ---------------
Na'vi River Journey
Retail: $11.99
Open Edition
1) speedwaystar1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ---------------
A.C.E. Logo
Retail: $12.99
Open Edition
1) ---------------
2) ---------------
Last edited: