There are so many good points that I want to comment/respond to...but doing multi quote stuff just seems like a major brain pain and like it'd take forever.
I am SO for whoever said that Pocahontas couldn't be in this "Couples" collection with John Smith. I adore you. I totally get why they have John Smith in the Classic collection but I still look at that and go, ""
I think that, for the same reasons they did the D Queen of Hearts and Ursula they way they did, they could do a D Vanelope (and maybe now the brought up Lilo). They wanted to "push the envelope" and "take risks" (and not spend more money on additional molds). Don't get me wrong, I do totally agree that they should have been plus sized models, but they are still beautiful dolls nevertheless. Vanelope would be too. (And...I would so LOVE and prefer and adore if her designer doll were based off of her princess gown. I'm in love with all the candy coated concepts that I have been designing in my head and would adore one of her like that.)
You really doesn't matter if Anna's concept was or wasn't finalized when this 3rd collection was begun or finalized. If you remember back to the first collection...Tangled was released so Rapunzel was in it, and Merida was already known of in the same way that Anna is now. (The only difference is that we had seen like a 3 second image of Merida in a trailer...and we've only seen "Anna" in an image that Disney wanted taken down because it wasn't a real release.) If they wanted to release a Designer Anna, there really would be nothing stopping them. It would just make more sense to release her last. And if they didn't want to release her, then she'd be the same as Merida was in the first collection: known, just not made. I think this point just became a string of my consciousness on the topic. All this being said, I doubt Anna's going to be a part of this collection.
If you also remember back to the first collection, they were released alongside the coronation of Rapunzel. This year, Merida is supposed to be having her own coronation as well. (I remember watching that on youtube. Corniest and campiest thing I've ever seen...even for Disney standards. I. Adored. It.) So, somehow I do truly believe that Merida is going to be in this collection. (And that's really the only work I can show in regards to that point.)
I know that I kind of started a rampage by stating how someone mentioned a CM said the designer collection will be couple's still really up in the air. CM's really aren't the most reliable sources of information because of the telephone effect. I was told of LE Oz dolls at 65$ a pop...and nothing. There was the rumor of an LE Tink and nothing. But then they have been rather reliable in other cases. So, I mean...don't panic yet.

Couples could just be the code word for "Bridal". That is a collection that makes considerably more sense in my mind than a "Two Doll Couple Set". Every year, there are A TON of Disney Princess inspired bridal (and prom and *I think* bridesmaid) dresses made. Not only would it be yet another princess collection that is "new", but it would also serve as a major product advertisement and selling strategy. The bride loves Ariel? Well...not only did she *shell* out a TON of money on a gown inspired by Ariel, but she also *floundered* up an additional batch of *clams* for a doll of Ariel in the same bridal gown. (I do hate myself for the puns...but I'd have hated myself more for not using them.)

And then the same could be true for the other princesses. I do agree with a bunch of people on here that say the Bridal Collection wouldn't be that popular. I wouldn't care for them simply because they aren't my aesthetic. But...really? I think that it would surprise us and sell wildly. It'd be Princess, Big Fluffy Gowns, and Bridal Fantasy. Make them the original exclusivity in edition sizing and they'd be gone. They could only make the princesses that have been shown in wedding gowns or still do every princess because each one would be representative of a different culture or aesthetic. It really doesn't matter if they have a love interest or husband, they can still wear a wedding gown.
I do think that the "Couples" rumor is true, but I don't think that they will do a *literal* theme. If they did, then I think it would be far too big a risk. They'd have to make better molds for the guys so they aren't just afflicted with smiling rigamortis next to a fully pose-able princess. So, the price would go up for that. Then the price would have to go up for the larger display cases so they aren't so cramped together (ESPECIALLY with all the tons of plastic packaging Disney use nowadays.) And then, the up-charge for the two dolls. If they want to take that risk, then I think that they would do MASSIVE polling and trolling around to see if it would work. I know that people have cried out for a Designer Prince collection, but after reading all the responses that have come from it...oh they'd be on the website for a long.long..long...long....long.....long......long time. They'd probably be on there long enough to become a "2 for 20" special.
So, much like someone recently said, I do think that this collection will be "Designer _____ Princess" themed and the next one will be a "Designer Other Girls" theme. I agree with you entirely, whoever said it first. Princesses in the D23 event year and Others in a non-eventful year. I was there. I saw all the hype that they were building up and promoting. I wasn't on board because the princesses aren't really my favorites, but I heard people buy 2 or 3 sets at a time. I almost bought a D23 Cinderella simply because of her exclusivity, but decided "Nah...someone else will actually want her because she's Cinderella." And then, she was completely sold out and the surrounding stores started selling the regular Cinderellas early because of how insanely crazed the people had become. They...were...CRAZY! And then, for funzies, I would people watch the day before and of the in-store doll releases. (I worked in the mall at that time so it wasn't out of my way to watch them.) People lined up over night just to get one doll. Then, for the final 5, a swarm of people began to line up and sleep outside for an entire day before they were released. The villains...not so much. Maybe a half hour before the store opened, but it was so much less crazy than the princesses. (And I'm sure price and edition size played a huge factor as well, but still. There was considerably less hype.) I do have the entire collection...but I didn't really care about them until they were reduced...and then reduced again...and I had a very nice coupon for them. I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if this year was all about the "Designer _____ Princess" and next year was all about the "Designer Other Girls". I'll be a little perturbed because I'd rather have what I want now, but I'll enjoy all the money I'll save in the process.
So, I don't know if anyone is gonna read all of this, I mean, it's a lot. But, they are my speculations and hopefully someone will enjoy them. We can't have any new dolls today, so I enjoy reading other people's thoughts in the mean time.

Oh yeah, and if you are really reading this, I know what the actual new designer line will be. A friend of a friend is friends with one of the designers. She was sworn to secrecy, but let it slip. The designer line...yeah, I don't really know what it is. I was just messing with you to see if you were still reading. I couldn't help myself.