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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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What if there are hero and heroine couples? Hercules and Meg, Phoebus and Esmeralda, Roger and Anita, Wendy and Peter, Kida and Milo, Tarzan and Jane, and as a bonus, THE QUEEN OF HEARTS AS AN OVERFLOW OF THIS BARELY SUCCESSFUL LINE AND ALICE!!!! OR THE KING OF HEARTS!!!!!
This are the best news ever! My 2 dream themes for the next Designer Collection are both Princes and Wedding dolls! If they're combining both into one, that would be a dream, so I'm really excited! I really hope that this doesn't turn out to be false, because then I'll be dissapointed.

Now with this announcement, I have more questions! Will they do all 10 princess again? Will they fit 2 dolls into a regular Designer case, or will they create bigger ones?! How much will the price increase, as Shivatopia mentioned, I don't think it'll remain at the $80 price range, as this time we will be getting 2 dolls. IMO I would really like to preorder the whole set, but let's say $100 per couple x 10 sets = $800 + shipping = $1000?! It's going to be somewhat expensive. So time to start earning :p .

Also for those who wanted Heroines really bad, one of the main reasons I think they decided not to go with them this year was that, maybe they might really have high expectations on Frozen, and would like to add Anna to the next line. It would make a lot of sense if she turns out to be the 12th princess, and they could release her alongside Merida and the other girls we have been speculating about. I'm predicting Anna will became as popular as Rapunzel, so it would have been a shame that if for whatever reason the Designer collection is discontinued, in the future fans will argue that we never got a chance of getting a Designer Anna.
I for one am a little skeptical about the couple theme, because the one time that Disney did do it (Merida/Elinor) it did not do well at all. In fact it is still on sale.

Also if they were to do all 10 princesses again as pointed out by Alex it would be so costly to collect the entire set. Not up mention the dolls being too bulky if they had to increase the size of the case to fit both dolls in there.

Who knows the couple theory may have come from a solid and credible source and may be correct and Disney would just cram the two dolls in the one case as the would fit and maybe the Merida Elinor doll is a reflection of where Disney is heading with the dolls.

But in my opinion until there is more solid information such as photos, sketches and statements from Disney, everything is still up in the air and open to changes. So it would probably be best not to get your hopes up just yet or to rule out other theories/speculation.
I'm all for Disney couples as i then won't have to try getting the first lot of princesses haha. But if they're wedding, then i well definitely be saving money because i won't buy them - not sure why but they just aren't my cup of tea. Who knows what they're going to do?!! They always surprise us.
As others have said, don't take couples as a confirmation, but it is very likely. I'd like to see what the pins look like. Will they be reenacting iconic scenes from the movies in Designer dresses or will they just be taken awkward-promo style (guy with his arms around girl standing behind her) or something like that? Depending on how the pins look, I MIGHT be interested in getting them, but if it's wedding pins, it's going to take near perfection to keep me interested as I think that is really boring >_<
As others have said, don't take couples as a confirmation, but it is very likely. I'd like to see what the pins look like. Will they be reenacting iconic scenes from the movies in Designer dresses or will they just be taken awkward-promo style (guy with his arms around girl standing behind her) or something like that? Depending on how the pins look, I MIGHT be interested in getting them, but if it's wedding pins, it's going to take near perfection to keep me interested as I think that is really boring >_<

You never know! Disney could surprise us with something good!!
It would be cute to see scenes of the gal's getting proposed to!!! haha!
You never know! Disney could surprise us with something good!!
It would be cute to see scenes of the gal's getting proposed to!!! haha!

Oh, I could probably deal with them getting proposed to, but them in wedding outfits is not my cup of tea <_< Eh, we'll have to see. Either way, even if I end up hating the set (it'll be hard for me to hate it, but I may just not like it enough to collect it) I'll still want a set in case for trades and such and that is IF I don't become attached to it O_o
Oh, I could probably deal with them getting proposed to, but them in wedding outfits is not my cup of tea <_< Eh, we'll have to see. Either way, even if I end up hating the set (it'll be hard for me to hate it, but I may just not like it enough to collect it) I'll still want a set in case for trades and such and that is IF I don't become attached to it O_o

Haha! Aw!! I'm sure the pin set will be amazing... Maybe it will be individual pins... like... rapunzel and flynn are two different pins, so on... xD Who knows! Only time can tell!!
I think wedding dresses would be adorable... We haven't had a nice wedding set in awhile... (or have we??) I would like to see a short haired rapunzel... :P
What if there are hero and heroine couples? Hercules and Meg, Phoebus and Esmeralda, Roger and Anita, Wendy and Peter, Kida and Milo, Tarzan and Jane, and as a bonus, THE QUEEN OF HEARTS AS AN OVERFLOW OF THIS BARELY SUCCESSFUL LINE AND ALICE!!!! OR THE KING OF HEARTS!!!!!

If they do couples, it will be princesses with their prince. I doubt Pocahontas and Mulan would be in the line up though. I'm guessing if they did couples it would be Snow & her princess, Cinderella & Charming, Phillip & Aurora, Ariel & Eric, Belle & Beast (Beast has no actual name), Jasmine & Aladdin, Tiana & Naveen, and Rapunzel & Flynn.
If they do couples, it will be princesses with their prince. I doubt Pocahontas and Mulan would be in the line up though. I'm guessing if they did couples it would be Snow & her princess, Cinderella & Charming, Phillip & Aurora, Ariel & Eric, Belle & Beast (Beast has no actual name), Jasmine & Aladdin, Tiana & Naveen, and Rapunzel & Flynn.

This... Sadly Mulan and Pocahontas will be left out again... OH and Merida. :'(
If they do couples, it will be princesses with their prince. I doubt Pocahontas and Mulan would be in the line up though. I'm guessing if they did couples it would be Snow & her princess, Cinderella & Charming, Phillip & Aurora, Ariel & Eric, Belle & Beast (Beast has no actual name), Jasmine & Aladdin, Tiana & Naveen, and Rapunzel & Flynn.

Hmm, i thought Belle's prince was Prince Adam?
Nope. The Beast has no name. They never named him for the movie. Here is a link from Disney to prove it.

You are right he is unofficially known as Prince Adam which you can see, if you notice the earlier post by MagicLover where she posted the images of all the Prince dolls, Belle's prince is referred to as the the Beast.

So my theory is if they were going to do a designer doll it would have to be the beast form rather then the human form, the reason being that this is the more prominent and popular version of the Beast. (If you notice all Beast merchandise are of him in beast form or at least with the ability to swap between the two). It would be like Disney making the designer doll of Rapunzel based on the short haired version in the end rather than the more commonly known long blonde look.

It is also because of this that I find it even more unlikely that there will be a prince line due to the complexity of having to do a "Beast" doll for Belle and they cannot do a Prince line of just selected Princes especially if most people do not even remember the Princes or get them mixed up I.e Snow's, Aurora's and Cinderella's princes are very similar and difficult to distinguish unless you were a real Disney fan.

Heres a summary of why I believe a prince/couple line would be unlikely:
- Having a matching prince for each princess would mean a total of 20 dolls which is way too many for a designer line. Makes it less designer exclusive and more common and cheap.
- I know people will also say that they will just do some Princesses or may not even do the Princesses but couples in general eg Peter/Wendy, Hercules/Meg etc but this would mean an increase in price and people may not be able to justify paying more for the set as proved evident by the Merida/Elinor LE set which whilst was a great concept it really looked like Disney increased the price without justification, yes there was another doll but the detail of the dolls and clothing was not as exquisite as The previous LE dolls so this may be something that would happen to a designer couple set I.e it will lose its "designer", exquisite and luxurious feel and possibly look cheap.
- As mentioned above having male dolls will be difficult as they generally do not sell as well as female dolls (male "dolls" are generally better marketed as action figures rather than dolls). Also it will be tough to justify a male designer doll that costs about $50-80 that would look similar to a cheaper version of the doll (there is only so much they can do to the clothes the doll will wear and unless they give all the princess hats/helmets or long hair it will more than likely be plastic too.
- I believe Disney will really want to sell their new Princess, Merida so the next line will more than likely include her and because she has no Prince equivalent this makes a Prince inclusive line less likely.
- It will be very difficult to change the look of the princes to make them look designer whilst trying to retain a likeness to their character especially where most do look similar or have a likeness to one another.

Please note that this is just based on my research and my opinion so I could be totally wrong or you may totally disagree with me.

either way I really hope we get some info soon! It's been too long since the last LE doll!
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About this BEASTly (haha) business, I'm not sure if this matters much, but at Disneyworld, in Tiana's Royal Rooms in Port Orleans, there are portraits of all the princes in silhouette, and Belle's prince is shown as "Prince Adam." I worked there and saw it myself. So, if anything, I'd say Disney accepts that name, even if they don't "market" it explicitly. just my perspective :) (by the way the royal rooms are FABULOUS.)
If they decide to do the couples, I'll probably only try to get Aurora and Phillip, I can't imagine trying to get all of them.
Prince Adam is taken from the Broadway Musical :p
I can't recall the name before that which was originally planned, but even in production of the film they were undecided, personally it should have had a bit more flavour, as a kid we called him Vincent.

I don't mind what the next Designer collection is, I just hope that it is executed well!
I once asked a CM at then MGM Studios BATB show, the name of the transformed Beast to Prince and was told Prince Adam! Perhaps, he was going by the NYC Broadway show.
Couples would be awesome, but hoping for Designer Prince's.
All I know is if they do make Disney Couples...I fear what will happen after it sells out to the Rapunzel and Flynn pin O_o I'd especially love if the pin art had each of the Disney couples doing their infamous moments from their scenes (their dances, big moments, etc.) and if they took place AFTER the Disney story (so it was a like a happy ever after set) because that would mean Rapunzel's hair would be brown and that pin would be...ridiculous O_o
I don't see why Mulan wouldn't be in a couples set. She and Shang are a pair, and they even get married in the sequel.

That being said I find the couples theme a bit unlikely, because I don't think they'd miss out on a chance to make designer Merida and there's really no way she could be in the set.
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