2015 PTD Discussion Thread - NEW PINS 12/4/15
Anyone know if it's still two left?
As of right now, looks like Prince Philip is still trying to find his princess because he is the last one standing! ;D
Newest set!
Awwwe thanks, I feel so loved here every time I come to this particular thread! Just like that Aladdin & Bird Cage are officially sold out. Just nibs & daisy.
At the moment I want to wait because I have begun saving up for my trip back to Cali again (really want to see the last showing of the Aladdin spectacular in DCA in January) & hoping to trade in person at the parks for those pinsI really do wonder if they'll create more obscure Disney characters such as the Birdcage that was just released. Now what I'm hoping for is a red slave Jasmine PTD. That's a dream PTD right there ... That & a Prince Ali PTD lol.
thanks timeerkat- helpful information
how often do they release these sets? once a month? more frequently?
When I'm in LA in December I'm going to have to check out the DSSH. In El Capitan Theater correct?