2015 PTD Discussion Thread - NEW PINS 12/4/15

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Any guesses on what the next pins might be? I don't remember what else was on the preview boards.
I am disappointed in myself for getting sucked into the DSF craziness. ;)

I found the thread with the preview pictures. Looks like we are still waiting for Super Goofy, Aladdin, Baymax, Tom, Bull, Big Mama, Daisy (is she black and white?)... and has Young Carl already been released?
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Any guesses on what the next pins might be? I don't remember what else was on the preview boards.
I am disappointed in myself for getting sucked into the DSF craziness. ;)

I found the thread with the preview pictures. Looks like we are still waiting for Super Goofy, Aladdin, Baymax, Tom, Bull, Big Mama, Daisy (is she black and white?)... and has Young Carl already been released?
Looks like Daisy is black and white except for the ice cream. Still waiting for young Carl. Also not released yet: Briar Rose, Nibbles, Nutsy or Trigger, Oaken, Donut Cop, Wonderland Cage Bird, and Roquefort. So lots of previewed ptds still to come. The bigger question is what's coming that wasn't previewed? :tigger:
I can't wait for the Baymax one to be released, I'll be trying to trade for that one I'm sure.
Welcome to the boards! This thread is normally reserved for the Pin Trader Delight pins (pins featuring characters holding ice cream treats that are released at the Disney Studio Store in Hollywood), but I will answer your questions. I haven't seen the wave B Hidden Mickeys personally since I haven't been to the parks since they were released, but I have seen a few photos pop up on Facebook so they're being released. And I haven't been able to find the Disney Ducks on my own, but I haven't focused on cast member trading very much this year so I might just not have noticed.

A new set of rules has just been released. It is identical to the previous set of rules, except now you are allowed to buy two pins per set per day, so if you buy two from a set and it flips to a new set that same day, you can buy two pins from the new set as well. (Before the rules were a total of two pins per day regardless of which set they were from, but that wasn't really enforced.)

Interesting change. Wonder if that will affect how often they flip again, since it seems to have slowed down since they've made that "no phone updates" rule.
Interesting change. Wonder if that will affect how often they flip again, since it seems to have slowed down since they've made that "no phone updates" rule.

I wouldn't be surprised if the no-phone-updates rule has turned a lot of people off. Who is going to drive any real distance and park in Hollywood just to check on what's available. I don't see how a phone update is a problem for the soda fountain unless they were just getting too many calls. Seems like a bad business practice to me.
Also, no refunds isn't helping matters. The quality of DSF pins has gone down, and people are less likely to buy if they can't be guaranteed either a good quality pin or their money back.
Also, no refunds isn't helping matters. The quality of DSF pins has gone down, and people are less likely to buy if they can't be guaranteed either a good quality pin or their money back.

Well I can actually sort of see why they're not offering refunds on PTDs anymore because aren't you actually purchasing an ice cream sundae and getting the pin as a gift with purchase? And obviously you can't return the ice cream once you've bought it. So in that case in a business sense the pin is actually free, and you can't really get a refund for something you didn't technically pay anything for.
Dinah is so adorable! I have a feeling she's going to get too pricey for me to justify an out-of-collection pin, though.

One-armed Phillip is really into that ice cream. :lol:
OTTO! And of course after I *just* rearranged my Robin Hood lanyard, LOL. I'm hoping Dinah sticks around until this evening but I'm not sure she will. I'm hoping that Otto at least does.

I'm kind of glad that I missed the release this morning, because I would have stuck around in case the PTDs flipped but then would have had to leave an hour and a half ago to make it to work, and it would have rustled my jimmies something fierce if I had waited for hours just to have the PTDs flip after I left.

There, there, Phillip. Ice cream will make you feel better about the loss of your limb. *patpatpat*
Well, of course they flipped right after we left the pin release, and shortly after the store manager told someone in front of my daughter that they weren't going to flip this morning.;). But, I got the NBC pins, so it's all good.
Of course Dinah and Oaken were the first to sell out. I saw a lot of people buying the set of four for $125 (offered to buy) that they found sellers for quickly....until Dinah started to go higher in price.

I'm sure she will settle down. Berloiz settled down to about $50-ish on FB, Toulouse settled down to $30-40.
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