2016 Pin Releases
That. Marquee. Is. Gorgeous...
Right? I have very rarely seen a marquee outside my collection interests that I'm like "Wow. I want that." Too bad it won't be like the Lady and the Tramp marquee and available for a month

That. Marquee. Is. Gorgeous...
You will need to use a Japanese Shopping Proxy Service to purchase it for you. The service will make the purchase for you, Japan Disney will ship it to their warehouse, you pay for the shipping then the warehouse will ship it to you. I personally use http://www.fromjapan.co.jp/ or http://www.japamart.com/Milky, your inbox is full.
Does the Japan Disney Store ship to the US? Can it also be translated? There is something I want to buy and I am not sure if you can purchase from the site if you are located in the US? I remember in the past you were able to translate and ship.
Huh weird that Disney HK adopted the Sweet Love series
Let the madness begin... From the soda fountains Facebook...
The Cinderella love letter came out at the same time, and it is a darker pink with glitter, so maybe they just changed designs at the last minute? The Aurora pin has glitter in the white as well (though it's obviously not as prominent) .Wonder if there were production problems in general with the Love Letters line? The Aurora pin was advertised looking pink and glittery but the images I'm seeing on social media of the real thing are matte white enamel for the envelope.