I was in it for traders, since I no got none. So I'm not heartbroken at missing pins for my collection or anything.
But I agree with the comment I saw on Facebook: If DSSH wants to do online releases, they should develop a system whereby people can register ahead of time and then people are randomly selected to buy the pins. And just work your way through the list until all pins are sold. So (just saw the comment above), an RSP. Then those who don't live in/near LA have a fighting chance, and it's as random as it's gonna be. Yes, people can still set up multiple email addresses, but maybe they double-check the billing address or something to ensure that people have ONE entry. People will still find ways to cheat, but it would make it less frustrating. Plus, those of us who work during the day don't have to keep hiding our screen when the boss walks by, hahaha.