A Fairy Tail of a Pin Haul (post those pins)
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- Orlando, FL
I went home with more Hong Kong pins than any other origin today and I'm certain most of them came from the boards, if that tells you anything. HKDL came out in full force today. Which is odd, because they did not have a rep for their pin releases.I kind of wish I had done some boards now...it looks like HKDL ponied up a bunch of Duffy and friends pins for them.
In the....12 years?...I've been doing the events, though, the boards have NEVER produced a good pull for me, so I eventually just gave up. An hour each time is a lot of time to waste for blah pins.
I'm sorry that not everyone had a great experience, especially BiS. Maybe I was dazzled by my first event, but it was nothing short of magical for me. Do I wish the boards had more special stuff? Yes. But I still walked away with LEs, LRs (always APs) and some harder to find overseas pins every time. That's all I could really ask for, especially considering I don't have the budget to constantly buy LE traders. I wouldn't have been nearly as successful if I hadn't gotten to trade with the boards. They were amazing for me. That said, I am a local and while I shelled out quite a lot of money, I didn't shell out quite as much as others so take what I say with a grain of salt. I can't imagine how much more frustrating it would be for those who came all the way from the other side of the world.
Less musing, more pins. All the board pulls I ended up keeping have a small purple dot next to them. There are more i pulled floating out there in the pin ether.
I had a spectacular second day. People were so kind and generous to me today, and I feel bad because I sometimes didn't realize it till after the fact. The gentleman who traded me the rainbow spinner didn't tell me it was an LE, and after a long two days I dumbly assumed it was just a regular Hong Kong pin. He seemed fine with the trade we worked out but I didn't even realize it till I got home, and was mortified to find out it was LE 800. I would have definitely insisted on something better if he'd let me know. And the trader who traded me the Paris + Tokyo Card Club Oswald, it meant a lot to me. Thank you. I couldn't stop smiling on the way to dinner and even on the way home. Not sure if either of them are on here but still!
So to the people who put up with the small-time traders like me who were fumbling with their tiny bags, thank you, and I hope the good pin karma returned something wonderful to you.
Let's see what everyone else got on day 2! I love looking at your hauls! I'm returning for day 3, mostly because I forgot to take pictures with all sets but the Aristocats ones, so I'll bring what little traders I have left! See y'all there!
Edited bc I left my full name in the pic. Not that it matters, but y'know lol.
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