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ZAPPED! A Top Secret package from a super special agent

ZAPPED! A Top Secret package from a super special agent


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So after a less than stellar day, I came home to a package on my bed. A package? But what for?

It had two smaller packages inside: one for me, one for Merlin. A zap?! But from who?!


It was top secret.



It was from AgentR (By way of Perry the platypus)!

A comic explained it.

And underneath it all (the comic, the secret envelope, and a super sweet handwritten letter) was... DUN DUN!


A beautiful, sparkly Ariel! I love it!

This zap was near and dear to me. I love a good theme, and the packaging on this was SO DETAILED and awesome! Thank you, thank you, AgentR! You are fantastic!

Also, let it be known that Merlin couldn't wait even a DAY to find out what the package was, so he facetimed me so he could see it opened! Haha! He was also thrilled (as I'm sure he'll affirm), and he is excited about his special pin, too (I'll let him share pics).

Ariel will reside with my growing Ariel collection. :3 yay! I'm so excited!
AHHH! :D it was so awesome! XD I could hear everyone's voice in my head! It was perfect!!! Hahahah! Thank you so much AgentR!!!! I'll get my package tomorrow and take pictures and post! But know I've been hunting for that pin for quite some time! Hahah! :D more details and fanboy flails to come. :3 <3

I did indeed and I loved it!! :3 I'll be making a formal post about it soon! I have several things to post about, but grading these papers has kind of consumed my life. >.<. Hahah!

I did indeed and I loved it!! :3 I'll be making a formal post about it soon! I have several things to post about, but grading these papers has kind of consumed my life. >.<. Hahah!


It's almost the end of the year at my university (we go by a trimester) so I can understand the stresses of the May and June months. Haha, the joys of grading papers. I had to grade reading comprehension quizzes for an undergraduate class. The answers they gave for those questions... gosh... The professor told me to be more lenient on them, but it was hard since it was a reading comprehension quiz. Either it is right or wrong. XD Some of the answers they gave, I don't know if I should feel sad that they got it wrong, or laugh at the answer they gave. Either way, it isn't as time consuming as reading their papers...