I agree that not everyone may be close to everyone else, but many traders know each other by name, see each other on a regular basis, and know a lot about one another. One thing that used to bother me about dizpins (and I don't mean to offend anyone) was that some people there would ignore other members. I would go onto the that and try to talk to some of them, and I would be ignored while they talked to each other about what their kids were doing in school (or something random like that). I may be the only one who ever felt like that. That kind of pushed me away from dizpins. When I came here, people actually spoke to me and held conversations, posted on my threads and even joined my group! I was amazed and I felt welcomed. When I saw that people were going to other groups, I was afraid that the people with whom I had conversations with would disappear and I would sink back into the corner and go back to the way I was at Dizpins. (Of course that fear is gone now. Everyone here is great!)
I know how much work goes into the creation of a site/forum (I'm in the process of creating one myself) and I know how much time it takes to map it out and to actually build it. The one thing that scared me (not so much anymore as I have had discussions about this with many people since my last post here) was that information was going to be lost. Ex: that information about scrappers would only appear on one site and that the rest of us would not know about it because the site with the information would not share it. I know this won't happen. But it was a fear of mine. I am glad that people are putting in the time and effort to create these forums. I know how much work goes into them, and everyone has a right to start one up. And yes, I'm sure it will take awhile for us to see how the pin forum landscape looks like. It is a very exciting time and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
I am very happy here at DSF and I hope to grow along with it.