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ZAPPED! Awesome Zap on a REALLY BAD week!- UPDATE 5/5

ZAPPED! Awesome Zap on a REALLY BAD week!- UPDATE 5/5


She's a wildflower
DPF Charter Member
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Yesterday I came home to find an envelope from an address I recognized but there was no name. I also wasn't expecting anything from this person, so I was a little surprised. I opened the package to find this:

Pin 79960: DisneyStore.com - Autumn Tinker Bell Set - Tinker Bell and a Stack of School Books Only

What a wonderful gift that I appreciate so much! It is a gorgeous pin...REALLY​

I started crying because I really very much appreciate what this person(I don't know if she wants me to say her name since she didn't sign the note she wrote me) did...VERY much, but it was a bittersweet happiness. I wanted this pin because it is my last semester at college, and I am supposed to be graduating on May 7th with an Early Childhood Education degree(I will be able to teach Pre-K through 3rd grade) and have already passed all the state tests, so I am certified right away as soon as I have a diploma.

Last week, I was supposed to have my final evaluation for my internship on Thursday afternoon. I had left ALL of my important papers and a notebook that is required for me to get my ESOL endorsement(it is a compilation of all of the graded work from every class I have taken at UCF that relates to the ESOL standards) and also to be able to graduate in my computer bag in my car, thinking it was all safe and knowing I wouldn't forget it if it was already there. Well, I got to school on Thursday morning and turned around to grab my bag out of the backseat. No bag. I ransacked my car...nothing...and the door was unlocked. Someone apparently stole my computer bag thinking there was a computer in it, but luckily I had removed my computer that night to work on a paper. I found out after this that a lot of people around town have had their cars broken into by what seems to be teenagers(taking iPod earphones and leaving check books...). I filed a police report thinking that since I had proof I would be alright and my coordinator would just check things off since I have a 4.0 GPA(since it is graded work in the notebook, I would have had to do it in order to maintain an A in every one of my classes) and obviously have fulfilled every requirement. Well, he did not sign off and said that he had to speak to the director of the entire education program about what should be done.

Well, he called me on Friday afternoon after having spoken to the director, who told him that if I do not have a notebook then I do not graduate. So now I have to put together a notebook that took me 4 years by May 2nd. I would be easy if I could just print off all the assignments and cross-reference the standards with a friend's notebook, but since the assignments have to be graded, and the only ones I had were in the notebook, I have to contact every teacher and try to get my grades. I am making some progress, but I am scared that it is not going to happen. If I cannot do it by May 2nd, then they give me an Incomplete and I have until the 21st. If I do not have it by the 21st, I have to repeat internship and keep trying to get the graded papers. Needless to say, I could pretty much die right now.

And that is why the zap was so amazingly wonderful that I cannot thank her enough, but it would be even more wonderful if I could say for sure that I will be getting a diploma to go along with it!

I WILL be getting a diploma to go along with the pin! I finished everything up by Monday at 5, which was my deadline to be able to get my diploma when everyone else does. I worked all of last weekend straight through and until the very last second that I had to meet the coordinator on Monday. I took the last couple days to rest, because someone who is almost 8 months pregnant doesn't do all-nighters well anymore, and now I am trying to get my life back in order after dropping everything to work on the stuff for the deadline.

I honestly did not think I could do it, but I did! I am so unbelievably happy!

So now, if I owe you pins, I have already gotten some of them out today and the rest will go out by Monday! I have turned my TA back on and will be posting again. I was able to check the forum from my BlackBerry while working hard on my stuff, but it was only for a minute or 2 at a time and I haven't really been able to respond to anyone's PMs or anything, so if I need to respond to you, I plan on doing so very soon.

Please bear with me as I get back on track, and I REALLY appreciate the patience those of you who are waiting on me have had!!!!!

Woohoo! I am graduating from UCF this weekend!!!!! I am going to be the first in my family to EVER graduate college- immediate and extended!
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Oh wow.. I am sooo sorry to hear about your notebook!!! Some people are soo selfish and do not think of other people with their actions. The notebook is useless to them but means a lifetime to you. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that you can pull this off and that someone will have a glimmer of compassion with you and understand the situation. If the assignments have been graded and recorded, then I would hope that it wouldn't be a problem. None the less, I am so happy for your zap!!! and the person that sent it to you! Pixie dust going your way!!!!
Why bad things happen to good people? I am really sorry to read about this huge setback. I hope you will make it right sooner rather than later.

Congrats on the zap. It is a lovely pin.
Hi, I am very sorry to hear your story:cry: I think your college is being a bit unreasonable:nono:
I am supportive of anyone that is interested in education as well as educating others.
Do you have a mentor or a preceptor that you can talk to about this? Lot of times, since they know the system, they can find other ways of solving this type of problems:wavey:
Good luck with everything sweetie:drool:
Wow, I am so sorry to hear what happened. Stupid punks! Need to be shot dead on the spot next time they are caught in the act. Sorry, but that's how I feel. Can't stand how people get away with stuff like this every day. Best of luck on your new notebook. I also think your college is being unreasonable.
So sorry to near that happened to you! My mother had her car stollen last year by teenagers & never did get it back. I'm glad that the zap came at just the right time! Hopefully, this zap is just the beginning of good things coming your way!

I wouldn't accept that answer. Lovtbell may be on to something there. Continue trying to gather your required data; but I would start going up the chain of command, including the president of the college, and contest the director's decision. You've worked too hard for this to just give it up. Here's where Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) counts big time - What you can Conceive and Believe, Can Be Achieved! (Trust me, I've used it a few times with amazing results!!)

Its amazing how many times one of our group picks up on each other and sends a zap Just When Its Most Needed! Gotta be that Disney magic. I'm sure your Zapper will be reading this with tears in her eyes, knowing she's touched you when you most needed it.

Now Champ - go out there and kick @SS! :hug:
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I'm so sorry to hear about all your hard work that was taken from you. I hope you can get everything together soon.
Oh my goodness. I am so very sorry to read about what happened to you. I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if I was in your position. I agree with what some other people have said here. Definitely speak to someone else. There has to be some sort of leeway for you in this situation. I hope everything will work out ok. Big hugs to you!
Oh no. That's terrible news. But, like the rest, I wouldn't leave it at this. Make as much noise as you can about this, as high up the tree as possible!!!! Good luck, I'll be thinking about you and sending you possitive energy!!!
Oh God Mackenzie, I can't believe that this has happened. Some people are just disgusting, nasty little beings who don't deserve to breathe the same air as you. But then some people (like yourself, and the person who zapped you) are lovely and wonderful people who deserve nothing but good times in their lives. *Hugs* Hopefully everything will turn out OK in the end.
Thanks for all the support! I actually have gone as high as I can go, and unfortunately they are the ones that handed the decision down. Actually, the only reason they have given me an extension at all is because it was stolen. It is a state requirement, not just the university, and every piece of paperwork I have(handbooks and official stuff) says that it has to be done or graduation is not an option. I was told that under pretty much any other circumstances, I would have been failed on the spot. So, I am actually pretty grateful at this point that they are giving me time. They have also said that I can walk even if I have to take the incomplete until the 21st, I just won't get my diploma when everyone else does. Obviously if I don't get it done by then I will have walked for nothing because I won't get a diploma at all, but again I am grateful that they are allowing me to walk at all knowing that it is a possibility that I won't actually get a diploma.

I am only waiting on one professor, but that one professor needs to give about 6 classes worth of work. I am really hoping to make the May 2nsd deadline. Needless to say, I have been pouring every last ounce of energy, blood sweat and tears, into this thing, so I am sorry if I haven'yt responded to your email ansd I definitely need to mail some things. This has to take precedence at the moment though. I hope you all who are waiting to hear back or waiting on pins can understand that. Just give me until Tuesday and then I'll be able to let up a little, but if I do not put my all in right now then I'll never be able to forgive myself.
1 bag of pixie dust comin' yur way! We'll look forward to hearing good news after you succeed.
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Oh my goodness, what an ordeal! I felt stress :shock: just reading your post and am soooo glad and happy for you that everything worked out for you. I mean, you ONLY had to pull together 4 years of work in less than a week! That is extremely commendable of you - you deserve an award along with your diploma!

Nice Zap! Enjoy! :wiggle:

..and I had missed the part about you being 8 months pregnant too, oh by the way.. Definitely, Super Woman Status!
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You didn't tell us you're 8-MONTHS PREGGERS too boot! Ok, you've obtained Super Woman in my books! Good job - AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :rock:
You didn't tell us you're 8-MONTHS PREGGERS too boot! Ok, you've obtained Super Woman in my books! Good job - AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :rock:

Haha, yes. Parker(the name we've chosen for our son) and my diploma/credentials should be here in the next 6 to 8 weeks, although Parker may come first. Thanks for the compliment, by the way. Sometimes I'd like to think I am, but then I realize the truth: I'm just a woman and these things are expected of us.

Thanks for all the support from everyone! I thought I was going to quit after my eval/what happened on the 22nd, but thanks to kind words and encouragement from family and friends, I really pulled it off!