delte thread plz!

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Phase two of the Villians take over!!!
Please feel free to make multi trade offers, WE will trade up to four to one for any of our wants!!
We will consider any offers for our traders!!!
Submit now!! While you may still save your collection from our Evil overlord!!!

happy hunting
Villians Ltd
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Hi! I'm interested in

Pin 46183: WDI - Expedition Everest Grand Opening Patches (Yeti Expedition).
Pin 82431: DSF - Retro Surf - Mickey Mouse

Please check out my traders and see if we can work something out! Thanks!


I'm interested in 84815 and 84818, although I don't think I've got anything you're after. Would you mind taking a look at my traders to see if there is anything you're interested in?

Am interested in WDW hidden mickey wave 2 t-shirts, Stitch and Minnie. Please check my trades since I have no matches to your wants.

Thank you!
I am interested in quite a few of your pins: Dumbo POMH, Star Wars Weekends Passports Yoda, Vader, Solo, SW Starter Set Luke, Duffy China, and if you get the Belle flower Hidden Mickey from WDW, I would be interested in that too.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pins on your want list, but feel free to browse through my trades list :)
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