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Hi guys, so recently I decided I wanted to do a 'Disney Dog park' picture using disney doggy pins and framing that bad boy on up! I have done pretty well getting pins, partly because I already collect dogs of course but I want a few more pins before I do the framing. I am after several pins that I don't have to spend too much money on/ I can do little trades for that will complete the frame. Here is the general idea of what I am going for :
I currently have :
Lady & the tramp
Tod & copper
Little Brother
As i am getting this bad boy :
My wants has changed slightly!
Dogs I would like, I would like these pins to be the dogs 'solo' but small things like bones, meat or pillows are fine! :
Zero (nightmare before christmas)
Percy(with or without pillow/ meat, Pocahontas)
Pins I dont think I will be able to get but would be awesome if I could :
Nana (peter pan)
Footstool dog (BTATB)
Maybe dogs, dogs that I am not sure will fit in to the frame/ slightly obscure, but would squeeze them in if I had a pin of them :
Slinky (toy story)
POTC Key dog
Haunted mansion dog (theres only really one of these so im not really expecting this to go in)
Please note they don't have to be the exact pins from the above image its just an example of what I am going to be doing!
I actually have a Percy pro pin (the exact pin in the picture!) for trade but I have no idea where it is. I think I put it aside to trade with someone a month or so ago, and then that trade fell apart, but I guess I never put him back with my other pins, because he's missing from my traders. He must be sitting in a drawer somewhere!
hehe thanks sora! Let me know! And I know I don't understand why I can't find one, theres one from the dalmatians booster set but its like impossible to find.
Thanks everyone. I am really looking forwards to having this all set up. I enjoy making frames ^_^
I think it would be super cute if you were to find this pin and make it your centerpiece! Pin 49619: - Mickey and the Dogs (Jumbo) Error
I really wish I could afford that pin! its on ebay at the moment but it costs too much and i have nothing to trade for it. cause I did seriously think about having that as the 'center' pin then putting the other dogs around it. I may need to sell a few things >.>!
oh and thank you but I have a jock and trusty single pins I am not sure if I can squeeze them in which is why I only have lady and tramp from there representing their film hehe.