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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

Thanks! Ooh....are they shipping actual UPS or USPS?
I am so nervous :anxious: about the big days. Oct 17 and 18th is going to be crazy I hope I can some for me and my mom. I just hope that everyone remains calm and no one will get hurt. I am waiting to but my dolls in their permanent spots in my home until I see if I can get any of the others. :x:

I truley hope everyone here on the boards can get the doll(s) they want.
HAHA soo lucky you dont have to stress and worry about that you have to show us HEAPS of pictures please

O gosh! I just pray and hope for the right L.E. sizes... imagine if Rapunzel or Jasmine as 4000 .... I will die and i will give up .. i will NEVER have her
I have FEAR,and i feel sand,anxious and seek oh gosh... if just today is October 19th....

My family wasn't/ isn't interested in Snow white- They're more of the Pocahontas-Rapunzel-Ariel-Jasmine crowd (me being the Pocahontas, Rapunzel and Ariel fan, my cousin copying *everything* I like)
My bf wanted one for himself and he obviously purchased one for me
He was the only one who purchased them online- in Australia, using an Australian credit card, Australian IP address and billing address. He used my home address to send the dolls to
When Karkura posted the link here I c+p'd it to him and he placed the order 20 seconds after receiving the link- we thought we were safe...NOT.

He's going to be here before the next dolls are released, so he's gonna have to get his dolls in-store or online...all depends though.

Do try to help Rose and I get our Pocahontas and Rapunzel if possible...We're ultra fans and will be extremely disappointed if we cannot obtain our own

The odds for me and Rose are very bad, My Las Vegas store is the only store in all of Nevada selling the dolls- If I miss out on grabbing the dolls in-store, my next resort will be online...but then I'd have to give my Rapunzel to Rose if I *did* obtain them online.

Hope I'm not being a d****ole by asking for help :\ I just cannot afford to be making big expenses (such as purchasing the dolls on evilbay/crookslist *lol*) this month.
IDK..I'm kind of childish..

*grabs onto Pocahontas plush and cuddles it*

............10 days :x Anyone else scared too?

Is a sarcastic thing.. i am too childish and i know someone can hate this prerogative
(and when i will make the order on UK site (if dont have anydolls from anyone) i will get my punzy plush and hug her )

10 Days...another long infinity 10 days... i am worry moon,SO worry!!! Please i want my punzyyy

Crookslist :lol: that's a good one . Hey add me I want Jasmine & Rapunzel . Now up to this point before all the controversy I was promised 1 Jas and 2 Rapunzels 1 for me and 1 for Kierstyn . If I can still luck out, I'm dragging my son and his girl with cash in hand . Jim will
buy 1 held and I buy 2 held , then my plan is too give Pat & Anna cash 2 each buy a Rapunzel and I'm going to buy an extra Poch just in case a DF doesn't get one . If I end up with extras so be it .

I'll try my hardest! And you SHOULD be asking for help. Believe me, I understand the situation and it makes me sad seeing the ridiculous ebay prices. As a collector, I just take pride in owning them, with no interest of reselling, so I can relate with how badly you guys want these dolls.

:salute:As a proud DPF member and doll collector, I promise to do my best in obtaining whatever dolls I can to help my new friends.
What am I chopped liver ? Who do you think I was referring too when I said about buying an extra Poch for a DF . Rose,, dear are you covered in getting one then . I said I get one for you , but don't have all this money to put out and someone else gets you one . Yes I can sell it but I'm still out the cash till I do . So what should I do ? Should I just forget the offer and hope you get one, you too Moondance . Im starting to get a complex . Don't forget I go to a Disney Store 30 minutes from NYC that gets the most. So if I don't make out in NJ which I know I will I'm off to NYC
Thanks Kristin! BTW, you have great artwork!

aww thank you!

Hi! If you are able, I think you should try to get them their dolls. I'll be the back-up, and then I can focus on the ones for starry_solo and possible extras just in case.
Tinker, you'll never be out the money. We'll take care of you here.

Your kindness will guarantee that we would take care of you!

If you get too many, I would buy and pay the same day. Although I do not collect Pocahontas and I would like some of the other dolls, I would still help you out.

No worries, anyone who has dealt with me and my money will tell you I pay ASAP!


Ohhh Rose Tinker and Moondance and everyone else that wants these amazing dolls i wish you all the luck in the world I just recieved my first Designer princess today thanks to a fabulous friend in the UK for helping me get her So now i have the most stunning doll Belle in my hand I just adore her i never realy knew what these dolls looked like in Real life and now that i do i want them even more which i didnt think was possible. I will cry i honestly would if i missed out on Jasmine she looks amazing to me and is my Third Fav Princess I know that sounds silly but i think about them all the time i think its actually preventing me from sleeping at the moment i seem to be very restless lol

OK, I actually dreamt about these dolls several times.

It's disturbing, LOL!

My last 'nightmare' was 4-5 days ago. I dreamt that I was indeed first in line at my store, and I had stood there for hours. The manager comes out and says, "OK, yes, you are first in line, however I have to pass out all my pre-sales first." And I stood there aghast as all the dolls were handed out to people who made orders ahead of time and paid with their CC then. I was crying and pleading and saying, "Hey! You can't do that!" And the manager in my dream (NIGHTMARE) says, "I'm sorry, if you were a bigger fan you would have known better." And I just kept saying, "You can't do that....you can't do that! I'm going to call corporate right now." And she said, "Sorry, the dolls are gone, too bad." And then I was so upset, I woke myself up.

Geez...........really? I was so embarrassed by my angst in my dream. :cry: But I really want those darn dolls! I bought a bookcase from target.com the other day specifically for displaying the dolls and my Disney books and they were delivered tonight. I will set it up tomorrow and take some pics.

To put things in perspective as to why I felt so embarrassed- I'm a military wife who has survived two deployments of my hubs to Iraq...the first one I was pregnant with out daughter- i know what it is to be truly upset/worried/stressed about something. I haven't wanted a 'thing' like these dolls in so long, yet I find it amusing that I'm actually dreaming about the darn things!!

At least we're all in this together, right? The countdown is on...
No i was anxious to help but I just got bad medical news and I sense just too much attitude toward me . I would have done it too but rudeness gets you no where . Lisa you'd be the only one I'd help now because of your kind words toward me . Everyone else can kiss off . I guess finding out I don't have a lot of time , put me in a different light . Remember that Cinderella designer pin I want so badly . From now on I'm doing me and for the kind people that have helped me . I'm just too damn nice and get stepped on . Meet your new member Debi

Outsider looking in's 2 cents: Entitlement to a doll because you're a fan doesn't and won't help your chances of getting a doll. Asking a member to help will, and asking 2 members will help your chances even more (but make sure you have the funds to back it up!). I'd kill for the chance of getting a Rapunzel doll for the trading purposes alone- and I'm not a Rapunzel collector by any stretch.

And if you get a Rapunzel doll and ANY other doll released and think you will be out of money and in the outs STUCK with a Rapunzel doll.... you won't be. You'll be profiting tremendously.

Anyways.... back to your previously scheduled DOLLMAGEDDON.


Sorry Tinker :\ I'm not used to people actually referring to me when it comes to things.

BTW...chopped liver is yummy
I am so sorry for makes all trouble and mistakes.

I just ask to many people about the
help to get my doll JUST because i live in ITALY.

Not in U.S. (with real stores and online) and not in UK. Here these wonderful dolls and items DONT show up! NEVER!

Sorry if i am one who ask help to the others and trust in. I will try to get my punzel doll with the help of TRUE good persons and on US and UK site,
but i dont want you hate me or something like this. Because i dont doing anything wrong.

And i really hope all of you get the dolls you want. I love that doll and you love they too.

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so how are people lining up for this thing? i found out my mall won't open until 6am, and will not allow people to line up prior outside the mall. So I guess that my mall wants a lawsuit on their hands because i'm betting a mob of people (like during Black Friday Sales) will probably be waiting to run inside the mall as soon as it opens & the store happens to be right next to the entrance of the mall. I feel like emailing the mall management again and saying they're going to have a lawsuit if they don't let people camp out at the mall.

What's the earliest you've heard people lining up at the stores previously?

It's not going to help you, it's not going to help anyone but the sharks.

Okay, here I'm confused. These sharks..... are buying for the purpose of selling? But there is a limit to what they buy AND it's a known fact that MOST people getting the dolls are doing it for trading/selling purposes. So when someone asks when they should wait in line either because they're new or whatever the case may be- I must ask- what is the big deal?

All they want are some answers and advice from the people they THINK will guide them in the right direction. This is a community, not some stuck up society dictated by getting some plastic dolls only for ourselves. Help others out if they need it, why not? Wouldn't you like to be helped if you were in their position?

Moving on....

I'm not a doll person, but I will try to the best of my knowledge help you. Wow, 6am! I'd be there roughly 4 hours early to guarantee a doll. But that's just a guess once again. Hope you find what you're looking for.
What the hell has happened here. I am so glad I'm out of collecting these dolls if this is what it does to you. People thinking they're entitled because they're a big fan (like there aren't thousands of others), people getting upset because of miscommunication, etc etc.

GET A GRIP. They're dolls. If you don't get one, you won't die, the world won't come to an end, life will carry on as before. The only reason this has become dollmageddon is because of the overreactions of yourselves and others like you on the internet. Few cared until the Ariel doll came out, and then you all went into hysterics. Calm down and get a grip.
Wow I didnt believe my friends status about the crazyness going on in this thread so I had to come and read it for myself.

Im shock people are going all out for these dolls and I agree with Tanya, that until Ariel came out everyone was saying they wont sell out there not going to be that popular and then she was released and BOOM the crazy people were let loose worrying they they wouldnt get there doll.

What got me was when I read someone post that parents shouldnt be buying them for there kids as it means those people wouldnt be getting one when at the end of the day if you really wanted it youd go queue up like everyone else and have an equal shot of getting one rather than sitting on the computer whining and moaning that you didnt get one or your friend who went didnt get you one etc.

and if you dont get one then you dont get one. it really isnt the end of the world as many will be on ebay and can just try your luck there.
Wow! This thread exploded over night! My opinion: if you dont get a doll on the release date, its not the end of the world. If you think you absolutely have to have one- save your pennies and buy one on eBay. That's what I did with Snow White. I didn't go out to eat with friends and put a little back every week with the doll in mind. The prices have dropped in the last week or so and are a little more affordable and i think that will happen with most of the other dolls as well. I know that's not ideal- but you can still get a doll if you don't get lucky when they are released in stores/online. I'm not lucky enough to have a B&M store close to me (6+ hours away) but being optimistic and having a plan B has helped a lot.
All this over a doll? I cannot believe it! No wonder "others" speak of "entitled" Americans.... sigh.

True. Anyone who can get them, get them. Congrats! I have had someone get me the Conderella and I will be sooooo thankful to this person for life. He was awesome and it really means apt to me. Even if he could not, I would still have been sooo thankful for him trying.

Would I love the dolls coming out, but I know I won't get them. I will survive and do not get upset if someone else gets them. Am I jealous, sure but in a good way. I'm happy someone was able to get them.

I hope this taking the time to go to a store and get one, ends up with what they want.

Only best wishes to those.

Anyone decides to sell any, then that is business too. You want to buy it, then you can. If you can't afford it, then your in the same boat as thousands, including me. Again, I'll live.

Beautiful dolls turning people ugly. :-(

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