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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0

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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
I have a question. If you get the "thank you for your order" email, how likely are you to get them? I've heard that Disney cancelled some orders last time still.
Zen-like state my ***!

I'm going to cry...I think I'm caught in a loop. I have more in my cart then allowed, because it was adding them without showing. But when I try to delete them, I get gray screen of doom, and booted back! I'm not *trying* to buy more, but I think that problem is stopping me from going through and creating unnecessary problems...
THAT WAS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME WITH JASMINE. It's awful because you can't check out with extras. I mean, why not just autodelete or refuse to add it so that doesn't happen--I totally wasn't even trying to buy two. :(
I have a question. If you get the "thank you for your order" email, how likely are you to get them? I've heard that Disney cancelled some orders last time still.
That's the sad thing, with this release being as crazy as it was, we just won't know til they are shipped I think.
I got Tiana, Jasmine, and Pocahontas. Hypothetically- I refuse to believe they're coming until they're at my door after what happened to my snow white. And I couldn't manage free shipping but who cares. :)
I gave up. I was trying for Jasmine and Rapunzel. It took 5 minutes for the card (the same one on file for over a year) to process and then asked for me to re-enter the card info, and when I did that, it said Rapunzel was taken out of my cart, so that was the end for me. Since they actually do not process the card until later in the day, I do not see why that was an issue, and why it cost me getting one of the 2 I wanted. I plan on pointing that out to them tomorrow morning, as I already called my bank, and lo and behold, Disney made no attempt to verify the card!
I got a few, but I was EXTREMELY lucky and was here refreshing for over an hour. Good luck to everyone's orders- REMEMBER THAT THE CONFIRMATION E-MAIL DOESN'T GUARANTEE YOU'LL GET IT. Pin people, we learned that the hard way.
I have three in my cart, now trying to checkout...
Finally get to the check out screen, and it says:

Oops! This item is no longer available and will be removed from your order:Disney Princess Designer Aurora Doll
Oops! This item is no longer available and will be removed from your order:Disney Princess Designer Rapunzel Doll
Oops! This item is no longer available and will be removed from your order:Disney Princess Designer Rapunzel Doll

Boo hoo! I guess I'll try for the others now...
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