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Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLLS --- NOW WITH PICTURES PAGE 3! ---

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Aurora's hair is a bit on the wild side, but I guess it fits the "designer" idea. I really want them all, especially the Silver Cinderella. Is the D23 special doll also going to be $59.95?
I hear you, I'm getting a Pocahontas one anyhow, I try and get everything Disney releases of Pocahontas.

This is my favourites list from best looking to disappointing.
Pocahontas (Wonderful outfit, what's with the weird purse though?)
Jasmine (Weird face, haven't seen her dress but I'm sure it's wonderful)
Rapunzel (Nicely made outfit and pose, looks too full of herself)
Ariel (Very cute outfit, I wish Pocahontas got an outfit that had Ariel's vibrant dress colours, I'm definitely considering getting these top 4)
Cinderella (Looks like Miss Baltimore Crabs, Coach purse ftw though!!!)
Tiana (Her artist sketch made her look fat, now looking at the doll she looks more awkward than the sketch, and she looks like she is the star of a 70s movie)
Aurora (Nothing much to see here, move along!)
Belle (I can't stop thinking about the 80s with her hair-do, she looks too serious as well and it looks like she's giving us the rose, keep your rose Belle!)
Mulan (I am extremely disappointed, the sketch gave me the impression she was going to look divine, but she looks awful, just awful, she kind of scares me to be honest)
Snow White (The sketch wasn't attractive, and the doll really doesn't look attractive either, at least she looks less like a bird about to take off into the air as a doll like she does on the sketch)
I, too, am a little disappointed. I was hoping for a slightly thinner couture look, like a Barbie or high-end porcelain doll. Instead, the heads are too big for the bodies, like most of the regular, off-the-shelf Disney dolls.

I'd have to see each in person to make a decision, I think, but some I eliminated right off the bat through the photos (thanks for posting them, btw).

My wallet is extremely relived, especially with the pin event coming up and us trying to plan a trip to Tokyo...whew!

You are officially my best e-Friend! :)

I am in love with the pen and journal set and the mug! Thank goodness they come with Rapunzel.

Thank you again for posting these pics!
Seriously, I will be adding like 10 mugs to my cabinet.... I love that they all have a different accent color on them!

Thank you again for the lovely pictures, ElleB!
anytime =). Glad to help. The mugs look better in person. The pictures don't do them justice.

btw I read this on the official disney blog

"A limited amount of the complete 10 doll set ($595.00) will be available for pre-purchase at the D23 Expo. A new Limited Edition Doll ($59.50) will be released in stores and on DisneyStore.com every Monday, starting August 22nd. The edition size varies for each Disney Princess and there are limited quantities."

So hopefully this helps those who don't have a disney store near them
My store received a lot of the Disney princess designer collection items early. This stuff I can post since our store has been talking up this line all week. :hsd:

The mugs are amazing. They are 10.50USD each. I wonder if they'll be part of the 2 for 15 thing or if they're just going to be straight 10.50.

Here is a picture of the Pocahontas Mug. Took a picture of it just for Moondance :angel:
There are two sides of the mug. They also have a pearly lacy pattern.

Awhz, You are so sweet to take a picture of the mug for me :33 THANK YOU!!!!! :DDDDD < Me IRL

That is so great that they're selling mugs!!! I recently misplaced my favourite mug (a Miami Dolphins one) and have to keep using my other family member's mugs.

Well....that's not going to be the case anymore in 8 days!!!!!!


I feel like Rapunzel when she was running around the forest saying "BEST DAY EVER!!!!"
I, too, am a little disappointed. I was hoping for a slightly thinner couture look, like a Barbie or high-end porcelain doll. Instead, the heads are too big for the bodies, like most of the regular, off-the-shelf Disney dolls.

I'd have to see each in person to make a decision, I think, but some I eliminated right off the bat through the photos (thanks for posting them, btw).


I think the dolls are nice looking...but not as amazing as I thought they would be based on the sketches. Their outfits also look like they could have used more attention to detail and better construction. (Just my opinion...)

I do think Rapunzel and Ariel are the nicest looking out of the bunch...but why is Ariel's hair almost as long as Rapunzels? LOL

I really do applaud Disney for doing something different though...it seemed like they were doing very stale, "stock image" type of merchandise for a while. The journals, pens, mugs, etc. for this collection are all really nice.

I was contemplating getting these dolls but now I'm not sure...I still love the pins though. I have seriously not been this excited about an upcoming release since I started buying pins. :)

Does anyone know if they are releasing the pins in stores AND online...or just online? I feel like I might have a better chance getting the pins if I camp outside of a store as opposed to getting them online...but since they are limited to 150 I have a feeling they are just going to be released online...
Hello! I am new to this forum, but I have been reading all your posts on the new, upcoming Disney Princess Designer Collection. I must say, I, too, am very disappointed with how the dolls turned out. I am a huge Sleeping Beauty/Snow White/Ariel fan and the dolls looks so blaaa!!! What I am now looking forward to is the t-shirts and mugs! Has anybody seen the t-shirts yet? I would like to know what they look like!
P.s. I am also a huge collector of Disney pins! I cannot wait to discuss all the Disney secrets with all of ya'll! Some people just do not understand my love for Disney and I feel that this forum is a great place to be to express my love for Disney with people who truly understand.

Briar Rose
Briar Rose, welcome to the Pinsanity!! You are in good company and nobody here will look at you strangely if you go on and on about a pin!!
All I can say is WOW! I've been on vacation for a week and it seems like I've missed so much. While the dolls aren't as pretty as the sketches, the mugs are gorgeous. I may have to make the long drive to the Disney store next week :)
Wow, Disney really saved me some money here! The actual pics of the dolls are... well, not great! They look like bobble head dolls. WHY on earth are their heads so big?? That is so disappointing. All I can say is it really saves me the drive to the DS as well as the money every Monday. I sure was looking forward to them though! :( What kind of designers do they have working for them that can't make a doll look normal? These are like those Bratz dolls that have oversized heads. I am still slightly interested in getting Ariel and Rapunzel still but I just need to see them in person to decide for sure.

I am still crazy excited for the pin set though. THAT is just gorgeous!
Only just seen the photos! Wow, I really like the Rapunzel and Tiana, but I think the Snow White is rather lovely too. They're not what I thought they would be though. I'm not sure if I'm happy they're going to be available online or not! Too much temptation. That said, will they even ship the dolls to the UK anyway?
Okay, I'm going to NEED:
~all 10 mugs
~the sticky notes set
~the stationary set
~and then however many journal & pen sets I can afford after all of that, depending on when the pins are released

My thoughts on the dolls (These are based solely on the pictures we have so far. I have a feeling Jasmine would have won a couple of these.):
~Best face: Ariel (Runner-up: Aurora)
~Best hair: Pocahontas (Runner-up: Ariel)
~Best accessory: Snow White's apple purse (Runner-up: Jasmine's earrings)
~Best dress: Belle (Runner-up: Rapunzel)
~Other: I'm not a fan of Cindy's necklace. Maybe the D23 Silver Version has Pearls?

ElleB: Thank you so much for everything! I have a couple of questions for you:
~I read Moondance's post (from you) that the Mugs, Stationary, and Journal & Pen sets come out on 8/22. Does that mean that the mirrors, cosmetic bags, fashion tops, etc. are being released throughout the subsequent Mondays?
~Are the gift bags about the size of the Doll Boxes? Sorry, it's hard to tell how big they are from the picture (even with your foot in there). ;)
I think I'd rather have the mugs, journal and stationary than the dolls. Some of them are really kinda ugly. Aurora especially. But the other merchandise looks great. Thank goodness I can get it on Disneyshopping.com since it's a long drive to the closest store.
Does anybody know when the "trendy" items will be available? I loved the Snow White sketch and the Rapunzel. I was very disappointed in Ariel and Aurora......they could have done way better. Im not going to buy any dolls now....since the picture, but I will spend some money on the other items, like the mugs and stationary!! I cannot wait though! I need more "leaked" photos!!!

Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
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