Disney Store UK October 10th release: Rapunzel + Three Caballeros
Germany ships to Germany, Switzerland & Austria. But Switzerland is also in the UK list apperently, so that's no fair eather really.
I went looking on the new site and saw this table so all the allocated 285 pins were to be spread to all of these countries..thats 26 different countries all going for 285 pins.. The german site ships to only Germany, Sweden and another one and french ONLY to france.. but wait Sweden is on the .co.uk shipping list so double the chances of trying there luck??
I think its time ALL pins are on disneystore.co.uk and allocated to there solely for everyone to order rather than having so many here and there.
Plus there would be less traffic for those using .fr and .de to buy there pins when the majority of buyers are on the UK site. it is unfair as I dont know anyone with orders cancelled from .fr and .de
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No harm in trying I guess!!
You need to plaster this all over disneys website