Ok to make it easier for you: what are your top 5 favorites?
Hah... You're gonna make me answer this, aren't you?

Alright, here's my thoughts:
Simply because I love the movie (in no particular order)-
Terabithia, Oliver, Tron, Lion King, Arrietty
Because I think the design is cool (again, in no particular order)-
Wall-E, Tangled, Tron, Toy Story 3, Bolt
(Although I could keep adding to each list... Man, it's so hard to do this! :lol: )
For some reason, I'm thinking if I could only keep one (and not considering trade or cash value), I'd keep Wall-E...
What about you?
It's funny, I was just thinking it's a shame that there's no Star Wars marquees... But now that Disney owns those, I wonder if that may happen some day...
Oh wow!! That's amazing!
Are you gonna buy a second shadowbox like this one as you get more, or splurge for a custom one??
I'll probably use the smaller shadowboxes I already have for a while, and then might splurge for the custom one. I'd like a 27x40 inch frame with a hinged front glass for easy access (current frame is 36x20 I think...). I've also considered the idea of actually building a small El Capitan Marquee (small in comparison to the actual theater, that is... 3-4 feet wide maybe?), and using the space where the title is to hold all the pins... But then I'd have to make it light up with twinkly bulbs and all... That's a lot of work.

And might distract too much from the pins themselves...
Still, depending on the design, not something that's completely ruled out...
Another thing I hadn't thought of was the weight of these things... One or two doesn't seem to much, but when you try to pick up 100 of them, there's some definite poundage going on there. I'm almost afraid to hang this thing. Either it might pull the nails out of the wall (I think screws into a stud are in order here), or it might rip the hanging things out of the back of the frame... Anyone else have a single frame with this many pins in it? I think most of what I've seen is multiple little 18 inch or smaller frames... Fortunately the frame is thick enough that it can just stand by itself on a table.