DSF Wreck it ralph pins! king candy included

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I am keeping my fingers crossed :D I will be out all day so if there is a co-op started please make sure Taffyta is mine :D Thanks
Actually I don't think it is...there were two request for Von, but the marquee should still be available. I would think, if Bullet agrees to do a co-op, Von would go to the person who first inquired and than if they no longer want it...it gets offered to the next person.
Hey, yeah, it looks like there is enough interest for a co-op. I'll go through the posts and see who wanted what pins and make a list. I'm super tired right now, but tomorrow this will definitely be done. Thanks for all the interest. For the price of the individual pins it will probably be pretty close to what johnjay posted on page 1.

off hand what i remember
johnjay = king candy
lalalaaana = taff
Mali87 = ralph and maybe( felix and his medal)
HLXNebula = von
iheartpins = marquee ( #2 for von)

Hopefully that's right. I'll double check it tomorrow when i'm less tired and out of it. I'll be sending PM's tomorrow with pricing and stuff! If anything looks off just PM me! :D thanks again
Hey, yeah, it looks like there is enough interest for a co-op. I'll go through the posts and see who wanted what pins and make a list. I'm super tired right now, but tomorrow this will definitely be done. Thanks for all the interest. For the price of the individual pins it will probably be pretty close to what johnjay posted on page 1.

off hand what i remember
johnjay = king candy
lalalaaana = taff
Mali87 = ralph and maybe( felix and his medal)
HLXNebula = von
iheartpins = marquee ( #2 for von)

Hopefully that's right. I'll double check it tomorrow when i'm less tired and out of it. I'll be sending PM's tomorrow with pricing and stuff! If anything looks off just PM me! :D thanks again

If the co-op is going to happen still, I know for sure I want and can pay for Ralph :) If someone else wants the Felix and his Medal ones, go for it. Getting all 3 would stretch my budget a little too tightly ^^;
@mali87. Okay, i'm about to send out PM's to people and see who's all interested then i'll know for sure. :D

I just sent you a reply PM...or two. I think the site may have gone down and may have accidentally sent the same message twice!! Sorry if that happened!!

Vanellope for sure though!
dang, forgot about this thread...lol. Uh i don't have any full sets with king candy available. I'll update the OP with what pins i have available and for what price within the next day or two.
dang, forgot about this thread...lol. Uh i don't have any full sets with king candy available. I'll update the OP with what pins i have available and for what price within the next day or two.

Wait, do you still have any pins available?

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