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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)

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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)
'are there more pin collectors versus doll collectors?' Gonna say I think there are more doll collectors than pin collectors (I have no statistics to back this up or anything XD) Doll collecting is huuuuge and so is Disney so add those together XD. I frequent other forums that are dedicated to Monster High, My Little Pony etc they all have sub-sections dedicated to doll collecting and within that, sections for disney dolls. They all like disney store stuff too. So many people have been collecting for years, hundreds of dolls, mostly Mattel and then the vastly improved Disney Store versions, and, probably not many of them even know about pin collecting. I have only met one person who collects pins but lots of people who collect dolls. My opinion is biased to my location because pin collecting is not done much in the UK compared to USA for example

since we where talking about customising dolls, heres my idea for the elsa dress I was thinking of customising.


I really like that concept! What will you use for her cape? I have been thinking this ooover and over. I like organza because I can find it in different colours and it can be very shimmery but kind of stiff, chiffon is so flowy and has more 'drape' which is good for working in smaller scale especially but its less sheer and the edges are a nightmare to handle, can't just cut it and leave it be(I was experimentng earlier -_-) Then I found (tight mesh) sheer nylon tricot which is like chiffon very drapey but more sheer, and cuts clean but I perefer the sheen of chiffon....ugh... and I wan't it 'dip dyed' so it has a gradient, but might cheat and use marker pens shince I have every tone of blue and green in existence
thank you :) aha i was going to cheat, the singing dolls dress is blank, im more interested in the detailing than trying to make it as i can embroider but I couldnt sew that. I was just going to customise over it, get a running start xD

marker pens could make the gradient pretty effectively I reckon, especially if you have a nice range of colours.
I agree, I am guy and I collect the dolls as well. Again just to clarify I was not saying that there is a doll collector "type or stereotype" as anyone and everyone should have the right to buy whatever they choose. I was merely just pointing out the market and how the pin market is greater than the doll market because of the factors I mentioned above. Yes a lot of us here don't care about the male's collecting dolls stigma but that does not mean that there are not guys out that that like these dolls but would not buy them because of it and I was just pointing this out to highlight the fact that because of this we would have a smaller doll target audience in comparison to the pin collectors who do not have to deal with this stigma.

Oh I wasn't saying that you think a certain type of person shouldn't collect dolls; I know you're a guy and you have more dolls then I do (i.e. Harrods set lol)...but I was mostly agreeing saying that that is the way of the world sometimes with stereotypes and such...I was commenting that they are just making it easier for us who do want to purchase them though:-)
thank you :) aha i was going to cheat, the singing dolls dress is blank, im more interested in the detailing than trying to make it as i can embroider but I couldnt sew that. I was just going to customise over it, get a running start xD

marker pens could make the gradient pretty effectively I reckon, especially if you have a nice range of colours.

Ooh, I'm going to cheat too wahaha. I am modifying her bodice and sleeves and replacing only her skirt and cape (the bodice and sleeves are way to hard to make anew o_0) The details interest me far more too, that's the best part! (I'm modifying a 12" doll but will make a singing doll custom also :) BY THE WAY the cape tears very very easily with little force :( I accidentally ripped the 12" one (ack)

I agree, I am guy and I collect the dolls as well. Again just to clarify I was not saying that there is a doll collector "type or stereotype" as anyone and everyone should have the right to buy whatever they choose. I was merely just pointing out the market and how the pin market is greater than the doll market because of the factors I mentioned above. Yes a lot of us here don't care about the male's collecting dolls stigma but that does not mean that there are not guys out that that like these dolls but would not buy them because of it and I was just pointing this out to highlight the fact that because of this we would have a smaller doll target audience in comparison to the pin collectors who do not have to deal with this stigma.

There sort of is a stigma against guys collecting dolls isn't there :( i think it sucks and everyone should be able to collect what they like, but I agree it's definitely a female dominated collectors thing and that affects the market.

(just gonna ramble a bit) I know so many guys who say they do not collect/ do not like dolls but they love 'figures'. Sometimes I feel like saying, c'mon that's practically doll XD. Ok it may not have brushable hair but (sometimes) it has actual fabric clothes you can change and accessories stuff. So there's this marketing thing of calling a item a figure even if it is more like a doll. I guiess that's not *as* relevant to the disney dolls though as they are particularly traditional as dolls but they represent such popular characters I'm surprised more peple dont collect

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Ooh, I'm going to cheat too wahaha. I am modifying her bodice and sleeves and replacing only her skirt and cape (the bodice and sleeves are way to hard to make anew o_0) The details interest me far more too, that's the best part! (I'm modifying a 12" doll but will make a singing doll custom also :) BY THE WAY the cape tears very very easily with little force :( I accidentally ripped the 12" one (ack)

that makes more sense! for a second I thought you where crazy enough to try it all! I love the singing doll hands swell there so cute. It does? burgh :/ thank you for the heads up! I will be gentle.
'are there more pin collectors versus doll collectors?' Gonna say I think there are more doll collectors than pin collectors (I have no statistics to back this up or anything XD) Doll collecting is huuuuge and so is Disney so add those together XD. I frequent other forums that are dedicated to Monster High, My Little Pony etc they all have sub-sections dedicated to doll collecting and within that, sections for disney dolls. They all like disney store stuff too. So many people have been collecting for years, hundreds of dolls, mostly Mattel and then the vastly improved Disney Store versions, and, probably not many of them even know about pin collecting. I have only met one person who collects pins but lots of people who collect dolls. My opinion is biased to my location because pin collecting is not done much in the UK compared to USA for example

I agree with you in terms of doll collecting being around longer than pin collecting for sure as it has been around for ages since Barbie was around.

However in terms of Disney pin collecting is by far much bigger because there are more pins available and because they are cheaper and easier to buy.

The dolls are popular but they do take up so much space and shipping is expensive. Also they are a lot scarcer in terms of release and it is because of forums like this or facebook that the hype is just built around the release because they are infrequent. Yes we have a few facebook pages dedicated to Disney dolls but where we have one the Disney pins have 3, if you have a look there are a lot more facebook pages out there dedicated to pin traders than there are of doll collectors. Also the main difference is that people that generally buy the dolls buy them to keep very few buy to trade so in most of our threads and forums and threads about dolls all we talk about are upcoming releases and speculation. Whereas the pin collectors have the ability to not only share their collection but to trade as well. Yes we doll collectors can also trade the dolls but not as easily as pin collectors.

I think it is smart by Disney because of how infrequent they release these dolls we build sooo much hype around releases. To the point that it is because of the forums and facebook that we create so much hype and as a result make it difficult for ourselves to get the dolls as they sell out so fast. That being said this is the case for pins as well but I have always wondered if we did have this ability to share all this information how much slower the dolls would sell out because no one would know about them. Then again it would probably also mean that in terms of accessibility we wouldn't be able to get the dolls as easily as not many of us would know about them. I still find it amazing that Snow White took a while to sell out and that was only because people did not know about them. But now a doll as simple as Eric sells out within 30 minutes! I think Disney doll collecting will get worse over the years and more stressful as more and more people learn about the series and eventually will grow into something as crazy as pin collecting. But at this point in time I still think the Disney doll collecting is a growing line.
Ok so I have a question and just want to know some thoughts...I am falling for Frozen the more I read/watch clips/buy merchandise much like the majority of everyone on this thread lol but I have a choice that has been given to me by hubby...I thought I made my clear decision, but meing human I'm going back and forth and probably beginning to be really greedy in a way which is not my usual manner. Here's the decision: the Harrods set or Alice and Queen of Hearts....almost same price give or take $200...he said I could have only one of the two choices...I thought I decided on Alice and QoH bc they were my grails for LE 17" and was ecstatic to even be able to get them...now I'm wondering if I will be crazy to pass up le100 for two le500s...of course he said I can still get each le2500 with Alice and Qoh....Is this just selfishness me thinking about the Harrods? Is this just a temporary selfishness? Man, I feel so ungrateful...need sense slapped into me bc he is giving me what I've asked for and I'm thinking of more...Im sorry for ranting/complaining/bothering anyone who reads this and thinks I crazy for even posting such a comment...
I would also say Alice and QoH and the 2500 LE Frozen dolls. To be honest, I think the backgrounds in the LE 2500 doll box's are much better than the LE100 Box. Plus, in the 2500 LE Dolls, you can see Elsa's dress a lot better, even though it doesn't have as much bling, you can actually see it (if you are not going to debox them).
I am new to both doll and pin collecting. I actually started with the Designer Villains and had to play catch up with the Designer Princesses and LE17" dolls. And you all know I just purchased my first pin as the Frozen Jumbo pin...I have extended my pin collection only a little bit since the jumbo released with another Frozen pin and pins that coordinate with other collections I have already.
I thought collecting dolls were harsh but from what I've seen here pin collectors can be brutal...I can see both sides of which is more popular but I guess its a matter of prospective.
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I think it just depends on what you are comparing, collecting Disney dolls against collecting Disney Pins or collecting Dolls in general against collecting Disney pins because there is definitely a difference. What I based my views on above is comparing Disney dolls with Disney pins.
When I first asked the question, it didn't occur to me that there would be a difference depending on if I were comparing Disney doll collecting to general doll collecting. The whole comparison originated from this being the second time there was a quick disappearance of the Frozen Jumbo pin so I was wondering how much of a predictor this could be of next week, honestly...it wasn't until you all explained your views that I even thought of the big picture lol...

I didn't have much experience especially in pin collecting and was trying to get a better grasp of if how fast the pins disappeared would be a good predictor of how fast the dolls may also..on Facebook most people on the doll sites didn't even know there was a pin release.
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LOL I know where you are coming from, the thing is it is so hard to gauge the popularity of the dolls on the forum because the forum does amplify all this. But to be honest I really dont think the Frozen line being released on Wednesday is going to sell out that fast I think it will sell out within the day but no where near as fast as Ursula and Eric did. Then again I do fear that the hype built by the forum and Facebook will cause a frenzy and as a result most collectors will probably buy two of each to make sure one does not get lost or damaged. It is funny I always wondered if the dolls sell out fast moreso because of collectors buying two rather than scalpers buying them to resell it. I mean sure they are those that do probably buy a few to resell but I wouldnt be surprised if when comparing the portion of those that buy a double to either debox or as a backup to the portion that buys to resell you will probably find the latter to be the smaller portion.
Also there is the stigma that dolls are generally more for women than men therefore this would deter some men from purchasing the dolls as well. Not necessarily the case but it wouldn't surprise me if some men pass on buying the dolls even if they like them due to this stigma.

I can vouch for that. Most of the dolls I own my sister bought for me, and I'd rib her that I don't collect dolls (though I have tons of bishoujo FIGURES that would suggest to some otherwise). It just seems odd to me to own things that are indeed marketed more to women. Then again, several male members of my family tend to get collectable porcelain dolls and I know quite a few anime fans that own dollfies. I'm sort of over it now, but I think part of the reason I'm getting Anna and Elsa is seeing them more as a general collectable than mere dolls.

Pins are A LOT more gender neautral. The main reason I collect Princess pins predominently is due to them being about the only thing Sleeping Beauty or Little Mermaid, etc. not entirely designed for little girls. Even then, I remember when I bought my first Ariel pin ever to use on my hat; I specifically balanced it with a Sebastian pin in case anyone said anything. No one ever did, and the flood gates were opened. It's an inexpensive collectable artform and also probably the most unique souvenir from visiting the parks.

Sadly, the Disney Princess line has taken great strides to make sure most people see TLM, SB, BatB and so on as "princess movies for girls ten and under" when they have so much broader appeal.
Just got back from a day trip to DLP :)
Thought I'd post the frozen clothing that they have available for adults !



The first one is a sort of baggy sweater tunic type thing. It's quite long so it depends if you wear that sort of clothing. The second is a three quarter length sleeve top and is really cute in person !

And then these are probably available everywhere but I found them quite cute ! Last pic is a scarf.
ahh thank you for posting! im such a sucker for clothes, the first one is so cute and i like baggy aspect, you can snuggle in it for winter. I love the purple anna hat I hope it comes to the UK.
Just got back from a day trip to DLP :)
Thought I'd post the frozen clothing that they have available for adults !



The first one is a sort of baggy sweater tunic type thing. It's quite long so it depends if you wear that sort of clothing. The second is a three quarter length sleeve top and is really cute in person !

And then these are probably available everywhere but I found them quite cute ! Last pic is a scarf.
That shirt is super cute- did you happen to see what price it was?
Throwing in my two cents about doll and pin collecting. I've been a doll collector since I was a child and it is true that doll collecting in the greater sense of "all kinds of dolls" is bigger than pin collecting. But up until recently most doll collectors didn't have amazing designer quality Disney dolls to collect. It is only recently that Disney is really coming out with high quality collectors dolls. Sure there were some here and there in the past, but now it is really picking up and so all us doll collectors are noticing. It is possible that there are going to be more people seeking to collect Disney dolls soon, than there are Disney pin collectors just because we are starting to become aware of these dolls.
(just gonna ramble a bit) I know so many guys who say they do not collect/ do not like dolls but they love 'figures'. Sometimes I feel like saying, c'mon that's practically doll XD. Ok it may not have brushable hair but (sometimes) it has actual fabric clothes you can change and accessories stuff. So there's this marketing thing of calling a item a figure even if it is more like a doll. I guiess that's not *as* relevant to the disney dolls though as they are particularly traditional as dolls but they represent such popular characters I'm surprised more peple dont collect

My husband and I joke around about this. I say that men do collect dolls. He says they are not dolls. They are "action figures." But then he laughs after he says it. I say they ARE DOLLS. In the 70s, my brother had a GI Joe doll, the size of Barbie, with removable clothing, dog-tags, and boots. He had flocked hair and beard. He also had cord you pulled to hear him speak. My mom claims I ripped his arms and legs off, and my brother was quite upset--I was like 1.5 years old.

Anyway, clearly a doll, but those dolls were played with by boys. Today, men consider them highly collectible. Even the toys called action figures (did Star Wars franchise start all that in the 70s?) are dolls because there are plenty of hard plastic dolls aimed at girls that come without combable hair or changeable clothes. Old cornhusk dolls didn't have combable hair. Heck, they didn't have hair at all. Still dolls. But men can live in their state of denial. Hahaha. Suuuurrrreee you don't collect or play with dolls. *wink wink*
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