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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)

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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)

The free shipping does work but I'm not clear why you would need the book? Or do you just want the book so might as well get it at the same time with free shipping?

The free shipping code works with the dolls.
The free shipping does work but I'm not clear why you would need the book? Or do you just want the book so might as well get it at the same time with free shipping?

Yeah, the second one. Although, even if there was a shipping cost, I suppose it probably wouldn't be more if ordered it with the doll anyway. But yeah I kinda forgot to get the book on my last giant Frozen order and I'd rather not pay shipping so this is my chance! Thanks to the two of you who responded, and good luck if you are going after the doll(s) tonight!
Does anyone know if the hairstyle is different for Anna in comparison between Harrod's and the one coming out in a couple hours?

I am sure you will be fine tonight, I agree I hate having to buy dolls off ebay but like your husband I had to resort to ebay to get my Alice and QoH dolls, was the sale for both dolls as a set? Hopefully he didnt have to pay an arm and a leg for them as some of the asking prices on ebay are just ridiculous.

Does anyone know if the hairstyle is different for Anna in comparison between Harrod's and the one coming out in a couple hours?

I was wondering about this as well, as I thought that they would be different, but I saw another pic of Anna and it looks like the hairstyle is the same? it is still a little hard to tell though as you cannot really see her hair in the pictures, I will have to take pictures to compare them should I be able to get the sets tonight.

By the way in an attempt to make space for my Frozen dolls I had to put away my LE Buzz and Woody dolls and my Designer Princess Cinderella doll because I figured since I have the D23 variant there was already a Cinderella on display so no one would really notice. Gosh I am going to have a lot of trouble trying to find more space for any future LE and Designer releases. I think I may have to start putting some away as I cannot display them all
I have absolutely no idea where I am putting any 17" dolls that I purchase. I have some space for 12" dolls where I currently have some displayed, but where to put 17" Anna and Elsa that is the true question.
Yes he got them from same seller with a little discount but of course no where near retail lol..I am so getting anxious bc there seem to be a lot of people staying up tonight...this will be a true coin toss on how well they sale IMO! I know there may be some disappointed people at the end bc it is LE so everyone may not get but the not knowing is killing me..and I'm impatient lol
Im not too worried about people on the board, in fact im rooting for everyone to get these gorgeous girls! Its easier knowing that people on this forum are from different countries so we are not all fighting over the same stock per se. I am getting really nervous though! I am checking the threads every few minutes >> at least if anyone misses out we have a chance to get to the store in the morning but I have my fingers crossed that all goes well. The fact that so many people are saying the stores havent had much interest in the dolls gives me hope that they might not have too much hype around them. I hope the link faries can help us out tonight! <3
I have been checking the UK site and I know that most of our UK members are probably sleeping at the moment but the UK site looks like it is still down as I still cannot log in....

Hopefully the site will be up and running for them for the doll release in 3 and a half hours. Grr cannot wait for work to be over, leaving slightly early to make sure I give myself enough time for the release, just in case there might be traffic or something too.
I enjoy knowing that so many forum members are all over the world. In the Us we're trying to stay awake. It is daytime for you and other Australians, and our European friends are waiting for morning, and I'm sure there are other things going on in other places. Probably silly, but I enjoy that people from very different places all love these dolls.

LOL I think this is so cool, I love it when I go to the US and gain a whole day haha. I leave Australia at 10am and then arrive in LA on the same day but at 6am so I gained 4 hours even though I have been traveling 13 hours! Haha I know it sounds silly because it is not technically time traveling but it is a fun way to look at it haha. That and its better than thinking of how jet lagged I am going to be! LOL

What is also cool is that generally here in Australia we are the first to hit time based events such as New Year and Christmas so it is fun seeing the world celebrating the New Year. I think it is funny too that in the US everyone is trying hard to stay up for the release and here I am at work trying hard to stay up and not fall asleep LOL

Mine seems to be ok. I added something to cart and got to check out.

Thanks Sian, I just tried it on my phone and it worked, but it didnt work when I tried it on my computer....no idea what's going on but am glad it is working again haha.
I'm not even getting these dolls, just got up to feed my baby and just checking to see how everyone was coping! I'm going back to bed for a few hours but I'm sure I'll be up in time to witness the madness
ugh ive been fighting with myself all day about whether I should or not. I am really taken with the elsa and the price isnt bad but unemployment obviously makes me think. I did a lot of bank shifts and got commission work so im set for bills and I have enough to get my familys christmas presents when i get paid at the end of the month. Thats the end of my bank contract though but I guess I will jump that hurdle when I come to it. phew sorry, its been a long day on both sides of the argument xD so I have a bit left over for this month, I've got a 20% off personal code that works with le items and my sister has offered to add some money making elsa cost £33 for me and I know I will never find her that cheap again, so I guess im going to sleep for a couple of hours then trying my luck. D: Ive never bought an le doll before or owned one, I have no idea what to expect from the release or the quality.
I'm not even getting these dolls, just got up to feed my baby and just checking to see how everyone was coping! I'm going back to bed for a few hours but I'm sure I'll be up in time to witness the madness

I was going to say it is like 5am there! I guess that is not too bad as I am usually up at that time so that I can go for a run or workout before I head into work I find it hard getting back to bed after I get up at 5 though especially if I knew there was going to be a release in 2 and a half hours! LOL

Gosh the count down has started! Getting all nervous and excited at the same time! LOL
Let's do this! Been dealing with a migraine most of the day, but I refuse to let the pounding and nausea interfere with my obtaining these dolls! (Sorry, TMI...lol) *game face on*
Ugh, I wish the movie had been released before the dolls. I cannot decide between Anna or Elsa. I have a feeling I'd love Elsa more, but I cannot know for sure. Plus, I would have liked Anna in her snow outfit so I'm really hoping they do a "surprise" release of that to go along with the DVD/Blu-ray release.
Thankfully Polaris is being my middleman tonight, but I'm usually finishing work at 3am so I'll be up to watch how everything goes. Good luck to everyone

No worries, fingers cross I am able to get the orders through and will send you a confirmation if I do.

I do hope they do a Snow Gear Anna during the blu-ray release, still no release date for the blu ray but this year Wreck It Ralph was released in the US early March (March 5) so that is around the same time that China Doll came out for sale (Feb 4) so it does make sense to speculate another Frozen LE doll release around this time as it would make sense. Hoping that this will be true as I would love an LE snow gear Anna but who knows with Disney they may decide to just release a muppet related LE instead

This made me giggle. As long as it's Walter or Animal, then I'm good! :rofl:
who knows with Disney they may decide to just release a muppet related LE instead



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LOL Like for this! Only an hour and 45 minutes to go!! Only 45 minutes to go before home time for me! Getting super excited for both LOL! Keep thinking it is Thursday though
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