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How are you saving your money for pins?

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How are you saving your money for pins?


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Stockton, CA
I just thought this would be a fun thread to have.

We all know that the cost of pins, packaging, and postage can add up. So what are you doing to save money in order to buy/trade pins?

My situation kind of worked out itself to allow me to save money that I end up using for pins :wiggle: My sister got a job about 30 minutes away from me and for her to get there, she actually drives pass my work. So we started to carpool which helped me on maintenance cost and gas. Then she purchased a hybrid car which we decided to use full time for commuting so even more money saved on gas and I cancelled my satellite radio service. But since I get dropped off, I have to bring my lunch everyday to work, which saves me money too but sometimes not fun being stuck at work all day :down:.

Any thing you had to give up for pins?
I am trying to limit myself from going to for lunch, but that's just because I'm trying to lose some weight :)
I save money by well... well honestly I don't. I am lucky enough to pay all my costs and have a very healthy sum to do charity and pay for any hobbies. All though I am one of the few lucky people to be doing okay I am still fairly cheap, it just makes more sense to me to save where you can. If there is something I want (but not need) I will actually buy it online instead of in store if it will save me 4$ or more. Also when choosing online versus in store shopping I will factor in cost of gas/parking.

I know it makes me sound like a horrible cheapskate but I figured if you keep saving 4$+ on every purchase....well 25 purchases later you saved 100$
I spent a lot of money on 2012 on pins. (I started collecting/trading last May and I'm thinking I spent nearly 400 by the end of the year. :gasp: That's a lot for an unemployed clown! LOL.)

This year I've made a resolution to restrict myself to spending only $25-30 a month on pins... not including whatever I spend on postage while trading. (I'm trying to encourage myself to trade more and buy less, because that's what I fell in love with in the first place.) :) So far, this January, I've already spent my allotted $30. (Although, in my defense, most of it went towards gifts for my Post-Secret-Santa recipient.)

Now - Let's see if I can make it to February! :anxious:
This year I'm going to try to be more organized with my spending. Each paycheck, in going to put a certain amount into my Paypal account. No money in the account, no pins! Hopefully this way I can also save up for my harder to find wants. Shipping for trades isn't included in this. That's just a little extra expense I'll work in somehow.
I've been selling books to pay for my pin expenses. However, I need to start selling them again. So as of right now, I am not buying any new pins. After this weekend I don't plan on trading pins until I get more money either. So I am not saving for pins, I'm just not buying or trading them. I usually buy pins since I don't really have many traders. I'm also pretty content with my pin collection at the moment so once I start selling books I am going to save up for my grails.
LOL, I keep telling myself "That's enough until ____." But then I will see something at a great price or something I just HAVE to have! I get special stuff for my kids, but I don't spend money on myself much. The only extravagant (in some people's opinion) thing I spend money on is our annual Disney trip which is really for all of us. So I don't feel too guilty when I splurge a little on pins.

Not eating out as much is a big money saver but sometimes you just need a break from cooking/cleaning so when we do eat out I try to keep it cheap. We do takeout from sandwich places or get Pizza when there are specials. It costs 1/2 as much to order pizza on a Monday as it does on a Friday! For a while I was couponing and saving a ton on groceries but it got to be a little time consuming. If you have the time it's a great way to save though. I plan our meals around grocery store sales and try to keep my food costs as low as I can. I still follow lots of coupon and deal sites on FB so I can take advantage of any good savings that come up.
In total agreement about with everyone who is staying in for meals. Not only are you saving money but it is healthier too but I do need a break from time to time or there are those nights were we just ate everything in the house and there's no leftovers for the next day's lunch :(

Loving everyone's ideas, keep them coming!:hsd:
I force myself to keep to a budget. I'm not allowed to spend over 100$ in one paycheck! Haha. I get paid twice a month at minimum wage, and work 20-30 hours. So I only buy pins that I really, truly want. Or ones for gifts for the family or my friends. (:
I hunt for money to get pins. Kind of sad actually!
I only use my money from online sales though. Nothing else! So I guess my personal finances are all locked up and safe.
This is TOTALLY a problem I'm having now. Hahah! I'm saving up for my next big Disney trip in December and at the same time saving for pins currently. I'm trying to budget out a set amount per month, but this month has been harder since I'm new at it and finding all kinds of AWESOME pins out there! Hahah. And of course, I always like the expensive ones. Hahah. I've managed to keep an single pin from going over $11, but I have grabbed several pins at a time for around 17. Just enjoying getting into it! It'll Peter out soon, and then I'll have a better budget. :3
to save money... one must have money. lol

I get my pins via trades. and occasionally I sell a few to give me pocket pin money, or even money in paypal for shipping my trades. lol.

Someday I hope to be able to make a pin budget again. Which is something I suggest everyone does.... Give yourself a max amount every month, and if you dont spend your total for the month, it can roll over to the next. I did that for a while when money wasnt so tight. The main trick is to NOT dip into next months funds for this months surprise release.
This is TOTALLY a problem I'm having now. Hahah! I'm saving up for my next big Disney trip in December and at the same time saving for pins currently. I'm trying to budget out a set amount per month, but this month has been harder since I'm new at it and finding all kinds of AWESOME pins out there! Hahah. And of course, I always like the expensive ones. Hahah. I've managed to keep an single pin from going over $11, but I have grabbed several pins at a time for around 17. Just enjoying getting into it! It'll Peter out soon, and then I'll have a better budget. :3

Wow, same here! its so hard saving for pins and a trip at the same time! The best way i do this is put money aside for pins each paycheck / then money a side for the trip to Disney.
Meal planning works for us...I sit down each Friday or Saturday and plan our meals for the week. I try to plan by what's on sale at the grocery store, and in such a way that if I have something left over from making one meal, I can use it for the next meal (like cheese, or a particular veggie, etc). I also plan plenty of things like pot roasts, or pasta, that leave leftovers which my husband and I can take to work. That said, the "leisure" portion of our budget is consumed by payments for our annual passes, and pins. That's the one hobby that we share as a family, so it's worth the expense :)

Also, I changed the ebay password, and I don't let my husband have it. That saves a fortune!
This year I am concentrating on my last 2 wants which are $100 up for each, then for me its just to keep up with new releases so with no pins to back track/search for I am hoping to start to save some money for my 3DS XL and pokemon X hahaha so for now I only need 3 pins for Jan/Feb minus the PTNs from Paris but I know they are definite buys.

hoping for DSF to leave my collections alone this year lolol
i havn't had to save before now. and for health reasons have had to leave my job. as well as a wedding and finding a house. and due to my anorexia i cannot not eat.. DARN IM SCREWED

thank goodness for karl really :P
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I am rubbish at money management but at the moment my plan is to get my parents to buy lots of soup packets/tins etc to take back to university and live off them for the rest of the semester, that way I save money by not spending it on food and should be good for the waistline to!! So I will have money to spend on pins and Disneyland Trip - why did I choose to do this hobby just as I was going to university is beyond me! Well thats the plan anyway :)
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I've been trying to start a cash system for budgeting. Take out X amount of cash from each paycheck and put it into separate envelopes. Then only use that cash to buy what I need. So far it hasn't quite worked for pins because I keep making on the fly online purchases... but I keep telling myself that I will start sticking to it next month :) It's worked out great so far for groceries and around the house purchases though!
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