Jumbos are pin art pinnacles!!<pun intended>
most jumbos as alex says above , have much greater detail and they allow the artist to convey little nuances in the pin that get blown off in smaller versions, I have a shadow box with at least one jumbo of every character i collect, its absolutely my pride,
Not only is the detail better, but most jumbos have finer paint finishes, much nicer colors<the type of paint is also usually a better grade i think> not to mention the amount of glitter or extras that a jumbo allows to be used to enhance the piece....and any defects are much easier to spot on Jumbo, so less suprises when you get home and look uber close at the pin itself..
Most DS or park jumbos are about 2 to 2 1/2 inches in size, but they do cost more, however do you want to use a magnifier on every pin to see it? The cost difference is negotable due to the art increase IMHO, i have no jumbos in my collections that dont fit this criteria, but then why would i have em if I didnt think the art was superior?
Carrying them? Why? Jumbos are like pin centerpieces, you dont take Great grammys porcelin bowl out to show off in the park,<even if it is an original signed by Walt himself , pre lawsuit Oswald rendition on it> in fact its for that reason alone you dont take em out, Why pay 30, 50, or 150$ for a pin to take it out to the park or a PTN only to have some shmoe bump into you and scratch it, or use lock backs and have a post fall off due to the sheer weight of the piece? Way to much risk, again my own ego inflated idea,,,,
Put them in a great big box, give them a wonderfull center spot on the wall or display case, add a spotlight or strand of twinkle lites to highlite them and keep them safe!!
Trading jumbos? Sure!! I have several in my traders bag, they stay in their boxes for two reasons,
A> keeps them safer than a pinbag
B>kinda proves authenticity to potential traders if the piece is in a event/park issued box, just like a MOC pin.....
Jumbos, bring em on!!!