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ZAPPED! Kayla (Story) is a SWEETIE :)

ZAPPED! Kayla (Story) is a SWEETIE :)


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When I reluctantly posted about trying to collect Beloved Tales, Kayla was one of the first people to reach out to me and offer me Alice from her own collection.

Not only was it a super kind trade, but as if her generosity was not enough, she also zapped me with this very elegant Cinderella pin. The kind note and the cute owl card included with my new pins, made for the cherry on top.

My daughter and I developed a liking for owls because her first grade teacher, who was a wonderful young lady, collects owls and their class room had a lot of cute owl decorations. So, it rubbed on to me too.

Many many thanks Kayla for my lovely new pins :)



I got these on Thursday actually, but my posting is a bit belated because I had trouble wth photobucket. Finally, I figured out how to upload images to the forum though.
Aw, I'm so happy to hear you like owls too! :hug: Glad you enjoyed the pins, and so glad to have the opportunity to help after all the kindness you have shown me! =) All the best on your Beloved tales hunt!! I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for you!