SOLD! LIA Sale: Close to Cost
Please take me off of the Pacha/Kuzco pin list.
Number Extra: 1
Interested members:
1. poohlady5
HI there, thank you for allowing us non event attending people a chance for these pins :0)
I am so exciting I got selected for the Dug pin !!
I have a question for the Love is Vain Maleficent. It shows me as interested. What does that mean?
I am not sure if I am supposed to wait for a PM or comment here, but I would like to confirm my Quasimodo and Esmeralda and 1 x Mystery box selection please! I secured a HOND in Merlin's draw too, but I will withdraw from that one to save two shipping costs (as I had asked for the mystery box in your thread only!)
I just want to compliment you on your amazing organizational skills!!! :bigthumb: