Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
blue2581: Don't worry about being the minority! I do like both Eric and Ursula (even tho I agree Eric's hair should have been sculpted because it is much harder to style the short rooted hair, look at Cpt. Calhoon!).
However, if you don't debox your dolls it will be hard to see the netting on Ursula so that might not be as much as an issue. But the main point of collecting if you don't like it, don't buy it and save your money for others you will want more!! That is what I decided to do myself.
I tried collecting all the 17" dolls (which I almost succeeded in doing I was only missing Belle and Snow White) and realized most of them would stay in my I sold many of my dolls so now I only have 4 17" dolls which is so much nicer because I can display them! (Granted I will be adding Ariel and hopefully Eric&Ursula which will make my number go up again....) Plus they are my favorite characters, Rapunzel (Blonde and Wedding), Merida, Merida and Elinor.
I always look at it as a positive thing. If you don't like the dolls and decide not to get them, that is great because it save you money and it gives someone else a chance to get the doll if they want it! Win win situation in my book!
However, if you don't debox your dolls it will be hard to see the netting on Ursula so that might not be as much as an issue. But the main point of collecting if you don't like it, don't buy it and save your money for others you will want more!! That is what I decided to do myself.
I tried collecting all the 17" dolls (which I almost succeeded in doing I was only missing Belle and Snow White) and realized most of them would stay in my I sold many of my dolls so now I only have 4 17" dolls which is so much nicer because I can display them! (Granted I will be adding Ariel and hopefully Eric&Ursula which will make my number go up again....) Plus they are my favorite characters, Rapunzel (Blonde and Wedding), Merida, Merida and Elinor.
I always look at it as a positive thing. If you don't like the dolls and decide not to get them, that is great because it save you money and it gives someone else a chance to get the doll if they want it! Win win situation in my book!