You can't order from the US site and have it delivered directly to the UK... You CAN, however, order from the US site and use a parcel forwarding system to get the package to you
EDIT: As for the fiasco being because of Frozen... I'm sure that's the case. I myself don't even collect LE dolls. I usually don't like them. But I collect Frozen stuff and these dolls really stand out amongst all of the other Disney LE, so I had to at least try

. And I'm sure I'm not the only one...
You can actually ship from the US to the UK I believe there are only several countries that the US does not ship to like Mexico. But I do know of people that live in the UK that order from the US.
But like OlafOlaf mentioned most UKers (or anyone in Europe) generally wait until the dolls are released in their respective stores to avoid incurring shipping, import fees and taxes.
Also again this release had a preorder but usually the release happens both in the US and Euro stores at the same time so most people will generally buy from their respective stores.
Man I have been away for a couple days due to my internet going down but damn there seems to be so much drama going on here and around this doll release. reading all the issues I am really worried with the possible release of a Maleficent LE doll now. From what I have read and understand is that links to the doll are posted here for those that want to purchase it am I correct. Maleficent(if she happens will be my first LE pre order and pretty much the only other doll I want besides an anna and elsa) I really hope that that release is not as big of a mess as this one has been. I did manage to find Anna on ebay from a couple of sellers from anywhere from $190-$250 I think may go with one of the $250 selelrs as tey seem more reputable and have 100% positive feedback. I am glad that I found this forum as everyone here seems so nice which makes me sad and gives me less hope when it comes to Maleficent and future releases
I honestly don't think that going forward it will get as bad as Frozen, I think the dolls will still sell out fast but nothing like what happened with the fiasco just passed. For starters the Frozen only collectors will leave and there will also be those that will be deterred by the pricing.
In situations like this I think Japan has the right idea with a ballot system. Anyone who has a (random) ticket is allowed to buy. Anyone can buy a ticket up to a point. Then there is a draw. So simple. There's always resellers in this situation too but you can't avoid them in anything.
This is sort of how they deal with the designers dolls in store but this wouldn't work online and would probably just upset more people and create more work in terms of trying to make something like this work online and trying to keep things "fair". Most sales online with anything really, is on a first come first serve basis (concert tickets, collector items, event tickets etc) and I dont think they should or will change it.
I can get trying to make things fair for people but trying to change the way the dolls are sold will not resolve that issue. Like you said youself the scalpers will be there regardless, so unless Disney can start reading people's minds to determine the intentions of the people then I don't see them changing anything anytime soon.
They could potentially change the US site to restrict the purchases like they do in the UK? So in other words if someone orders more than one they will automatically cancel it. I think that would be more effective and fair and won't be as difficult to implement since the UK does it already.
Hi! I'm new to the site and was introduced by a fellow collector at the store Relese of Anna and Elsa March. I just wanted to say this page is incredibly helpful and I hope to continue my collection now I have my first two. I don't have a wonderful understanding of the store, but I was thinking of maybe next release asking a family member to keep an eye on the online store while I que up just incase. Does anyone else have this sort of system in UK or do you think it would be a waste of effort? As this was my first LE release I dont really know what to expect with future releases, and I dont want to miss my chance to get my hands on The Sleeping Beauty Dolls when they arrive, since that movie has always had a special importance to me as a child. Thank you so much! I hope to contribute more once i'm more savy of how things work.
Several people actually do this, so it wouldnt hurt to try. Just make sure that the other party knows what to do on the day of release so that they are not left there wondering what to do or going through the checkout process too slowly that they miss out.
what outfit is everyone hoping for Aurora's doll? I'm not counting on it, but I'd definitely buy her in her Briar Rose dress <3
I agree with the others in that she will probably be in her pink dress as all the LE dolls are generally in their main outfits. Also there are no current LE dolls that are in pink.
I do however think that the designer fairytale couple Aurora would feature her in her Briar Rose outfit. I do hope this is the case because then we could potentially have Aurora in the two different outfits.