Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
wow it must have been pretty bad then . from what I know It involved the first set of the designers right? I had heard that there were no rules or limits on the dolls from that set. And hear alot about people buying several of the same at once or something similar. Dont want to open old wounds or bring up bad memories I was just curious as I had heard about it before.
No worries dear, you're fine Thankfully I managed to only have to get one on eBay and two off Craig's List, and with the help of friends and family I actually paid less than retail for my whole set (birthday is in November so I got lucky with some early bday cash). That's one reason why no matter how amazing the DFDC dolls are I will always cherish my DPDC more just because the hell I went through to get the whole set.
Here is a pretty good write up, I wasnt around for it either. Ugh this makes me nervous if there is a Designer Elsa in the future...
The idea of a designer Elsa is a very, very scary one.