DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood - freezing for Frozen
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Yeah, I got to Pin Trader's at DTD around 6 and there were none. If I didn't have my son and husband waiting for me in the car, I would've at least made it down to DCA to check out the pin shop on Buena Vista Street because sometimes CM's just have bad info and I no less people frequent that one. All is well though because I bought 2 on the Bay for a pretty reasonable price.
Holy Crab!You think?
Holy Crab!
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Just got a spider on me.this alley is groooooss!
Seriously though, you don't. This release was an absolute cluster. Got started an hour late with vouchers, no one helping people line up by voucher #, so that everyone was just standing around the street and in front of the store. Super slow line despite having 3 (4?) registers open. 3.5 hours to get 230 people through. Madness. Te BT releases are madness too, but this one was completely disorganized.The pins are really nice. I wish I could've gone...I went and did my second to last portfolio class instead...so I could graduate...oooohhh woe is me ;A;
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Mr Wax!!?? I would KILL to know your secrets.....
I had #406 and got all but the Frozen surprise pin. A friend of mine had #608 and was still able to get a marquee.