]"My good chief, you sssuppossse erreoneousssly!!! I have had not a fang in Mssss Biancasss misssing, Ssshe wasss not part of my repassst, Although right about now, my cravingsss are leaning towardsss the amphibiousss BENT right now, I wonder if Mr. Ego knowsss a good reciepe for ohhhh I dont know, FROG LEGSsss ," he practically seethes as he spit this last out." Now looking up at the track and flicking his tongue, to get a fix on a certain toad.
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"Perhapsss our miniscule mousette hasss met with sssome disssassster, Mayhap they were having a sssale over at Epcot, I think the French sssection hasss a special, cheessse and moussse.... ummmm er ... Moussse I mean sssspecial. Or ssshe could have be ssssleeping, perhapsss that it"Kaa brightens at the saying,"YEsss thats it, shesss sleeping in, It isss Mothersss day. Sssend sssomeone back to the cassstle to rouse her?"
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Oh wait, to do that meansss sssomeone elssse will ssseperate and be vulneralbe, Whilessst the novicesss, sssseem to be misssing thiss, I have become acutely aware that WE the invessstigators ssseem to be the killersss NEW targetsss."
We are beginging to face our delimeas , to find cluessss we mussst venture forth, alone and vulernable to an obvious accomplissshed and diabolical murder. Or with a partner and ssshare the glory. Hesssitate and you may lossse, Russsh forward and you may ssstroll into a death trap!"
Now if you dont mind I would like to ssseee that control room unlesss you have sssomewhere elssse you wisssh me to invessstigate?
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No CL I have had nothing to do with the misssssing moussse, however I warn you now, keep that insssane lily pad dwelling dapper coat wearing meanace away from me , or ssssoooo help me, I will not be ressssponsssible for my actionssss." he slimps away a few feet muttering just audibly,,
"OHhh my aching sssssacarriliac, ssssooo help me that frog issss headed for...." his voice trails off as he heads down the stairs.