Name for new database?

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Name for new database?
omg yall are making a new database?? Ive been working so hard on mine :(

I'm still adding pins to it, sorry I am so slow. I haven't even inventoried my own collection (or sis' collection) yet, so far just working on the pins that are in my games
omg yall are making a new database?? Ive been working so hard on mine :(

Ryan, where is yours? I keep hearing about it but when I go to where Li posted a URL before, I don't see anything.

I like Disney pin Central, but Disney pin place is nice too. (that would be DPP too so that would be a nice nod to pin place)

Disney Pin Place is exactly what Ethan's was called; we can't use that, sadly.

I really like Pincyclopedia. (Also it puts the Jiminy Cricket song in my head.)

Other ideas off the top of my head: Pinapalooza, Pins Galore, WhosePins, MyPins, Pindemonium, Pinomenon, Pinfinity (and beyond?), PinPeople, PeoplesPins (though this makes me think of PeoplesBank), PinWorld...
Ryan, where is yours? I keep hearing about it but when I go to where Li posted a URL before, I don't see anything.

Disney Pin Place is exactly what Ethan's was called; we can't use that, sadly.

I really like Pincyclopedia. (Also it puts the Jiminy Cricket song in my head.)

Other ideas off the top of my head: Pinapalooza, Pins Galore, WhosePins, MyPins, Pindemonium, Pinomenon, Pinfinity (and beyond?), PinPeople, PeoplesPins (though this makes me think of PeoplesBank), PinWorld...
I feel pretty stupid now I meant disney pin post
Hmmm several good ideas already out there

Pin Trading Post
Pin Traders Inc
Pin Traders Central

Disney Pin Collectors ( sadly unavailable due to it being used at Disney Sea / Disney Tokyo)

Jr Woodchuck's guide to pins
Ariel's pin Grotto

Sorry not really getting anything too creative at the moment.
will I have to take pics of ALL my pins or will I be able to transfer them from PP? If I have to take pics of all that will be a nightmare have way to many to do that for Just asking so don't go nuts on me please
Even though I am a moderater at Ryan's ,why not call it A-Pin-a-Cydis,I know the spelling is off
and the moto is --pin trading should be fun not painful
wow a new pin database, aparently im not on here very much. Will therre be a sticky or something so it is easy to get to? all you folks who are doing this hard work to set this up BRAVO!! very impressive.
Thank you all for taking on such a task like this. It's a shame that PinPics resorted to what they did. To claim ownership on a user-created and user content driven site is preposterous.

Thank you for taking on such a task. Ethan had some awesome visions for DPP, I hope to see some of these visions incorporated into the new site. I can't wait to sever ties with PP.
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