Call disney merch on Monday morning and get an order in if you want to pay retail. You will not get to pick and choose though, you will get x number of boxes and they could all be the same. People looking for one or two should just hold tight, I assure you that there is going to be more releases of these pins. The fact that they have warehouse inventory means that there are literally pallets of pins waiting to be dribbled into the parks.
They have already been released THREE times in the last FOUR days...calm down people, the market was flooooooooded on Thursday by every possible measure,ebay listings, facebook sales and the ever telling TWENTY FIVE BOX PER PERSON limit, so the additional two days of pins in the parks have all but destroyed the secondary market and sharks are panicking because they clearly bet the wrong way on these and need to get their money out if these. Anyone disputing the massive quantities of these pins coincidentally are the same people asking double or more for them. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE.
This happens every time there is a "limited release" and this particular time the sharks thought they hit pay dirt so they hyped these as much as possible for months! This time last year the R/C Carousel pins came out and because the sharks were over bought by actual collectors they collectively talked as much trash about them as possible to try and keep the prices down. Every other thread was saying that they were coming back, they were being released everywhere, over the phone etc and if you find those old threads I was 100% positive that they would be a ONE DAY/TIME RELEASE because I was told that BEFORE the release. I was so worried about not getting them that I actually went down there to ensure that I would be able to get them at cost and buy for other DPF ppl at cost.
While I do not hate to say I told you so......I told you so. I have nothing to gain in passing along information as I neither flip pins nor live in the so cal area. What I hear from corporate connections is always public information IMHO. I have never been asked to not share any information as we are not insider trading pins. It is general information about availability of merchandise. If I had heard the opposite I would be encouraging everyone to jump on them for their collections, it's just not the case.
Again, if the people claiming that they are not in the parks or are never coming back are flipping pins.....probably not the most honest information sources. If Eric says they are there....I would bet dollars to do doughnuts that they are there, he hooks for pins not resells them duh.