New mystery couple pins

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New mystery couple pins
Yup, I still use that which then directs me to or something like that. But still works to re-direct. :)

I like that site, but for mystery sets I normally always check the disney parks blog for mystery sets - otherwise I would never have even known about the Character and Cameras
This set is quite nice looking. The actual pins look much nicer than the art. Thankfully I don't need any of the revealed pins but I worry about the concealed ones... I don't want to make my wallet cry.
Here's a closeup of Belle:


Her face is a bit derpy. There's also something off about the line of her shoulders and the angle of her torso. (Does anyone else think it looks like her head has turned 180 degrees and we're looking at her back?) Her hair looks fab though.

ETA: She kind of looks like Tina Fey. Tina Fey with derp face.
Her body from the chest down is going one way, but everything chest up is going the other. O_o
I just want Aurora, Snow, Cinderella, and Rapunzel. What do you all think the chasers will be? The same characters or different ones?

Also, if they happen to get released this week, I'll be at DLR and may be able to pick up a couple if anyone wants them!
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I really want these to be released this week so I can pick some up this weekend, but I have a feeling they will be released right after I leave.

I'd really like to get Rapunzel/Flynn, Aladdin/Jasmine, Ariel/Eric, Tiana/Naveen. I could live without Aurora, Belle, Snow White, and Cinderella.

Can someone clarify for me: these are reveal/conceal, right? So we'll be able to see one and the other is a mystery, but its consistent as to which one you will get (A always goes with B, C always goes with D)?
I love these pins so much!!! And I love Tina fey so it's fine by me if belle kind of looks like her ^_^!

Im hoping someday i'll own them all (except snow...sorry snow :p)

I wonder what the chaser will be :)

I hope the chasers are Pocahontas+John smith or Mulan+shang

or a frozen one........but dont wanna say who because of spoilers :p hehe
All I said was that I see derpy Exorcist Tina Fey with a tiny lobster claw hand. If you still want her after all that, then go to her. It was meant to be.

Don't judge my ridiculously low standards (jk Tina Fey isn't a low standard ;D)

I just want Aurora, Snow, Cinderella, and Rapunzel. What do you all think the chasers will be? The same characters or different ones?

While I don't think anyone knows, I'm inclined to believe they would be other couples. I know with some sets they are just black/white pins, but it seems like when that happens, the set is more quirky. With princesses (like the R/C girls) the chasers seem to be new characters so it's entirely likely we could be seeing some Mulan/Shang, Pocahontas/John, Anna/Kristoff in the pin sets which I'd like :)

Can someone clarify for me: these are reveal/conceal, right? So we'll be able to see one and the other is a mystery, but its consistent as to which one you will get (A always goes with B, C always goes with D)?

I'm not sure, but I think that with R/C's, the C is always random. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like there would be no point to having R/C pins if the C becomes easily found with a list on the internet.
Stalking this thread to see someone post a date. Keeping my fingers crossed! lol HAVE to have at least the Tiana and Naveen!
Don't judge my ridiculously low standards (jk Tina Fey isn't a low standard ;D)

While I don't think anyone knows, I'm inclined to believe they would be other couples. I know with some sets they are just black/white pins, but it seems like when that happens, the set is more quirky. With princesses (like the R/C girls) the chasers seem to be new characters so it's entirely likely we could be seeing some Mulan/Shang, Pocahontas/John, Anna/Kristoff in the pin sets which I'd like :)

I'm not sure, but I think that with R/C's, the C is always random. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like there would be no point to having R/C pins if the C becomes easily found with a list on the internet.
Actually that's wrong the r/c girls had an exact pairing for each pin, the only exception was if you got lucky and got a rapunzel chaser. So every Ariel r/c you bought would have mulan unless you got rapunzel.

The carousel princess r/c was the same except the mystery chaser (Merida) came behind the same reveal princess. Just like if you bought I think it was aurora you always got rapunzel as the conceal pin.
I'm hoping that if the chasers do turn out to be new couples, they'll include Hercules and Meg and Phoebus and Esmeralda, as well as Pocahontas and John Smith and Mulan and Shang.
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