New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!

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New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!
Okay... Without looking, how many views do you think this thread has had? NO CHEATING! ;D
All PODMs can be submitted. I am just saying that there also has to be representation of year
one PODMs. Also has to be fair for those submitting a Snow White scene who surpasses newer PODMs.

Absolutely! I'm one of those people with a great Snow White scene. Not sure if I want to give it up, considering it's going for $200. Not that I want to sell it either.
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I think we would be pretty strict on scenes, to make sure that everything is about even value-wise. That's just my thought and my hope, but hopefully we've done a good job with that so far!
Or mine!! Also, we broke 1000 posts in the thread, and yea to everyone hitting that mark on their own (spongey, I'm looking at you, lol . . . and Ruby too, cause you're right there!).
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Wow I was actually close lmao xP And YAY 1000 posts! I'm kind of close too, if we do end up doing the whole extra stealing part I might reach 1000 too...that'll make 3 1000s in the same thread!!! LET'S TRY GETTING TO 1000 1000'S!!! So we just need 997 other things to happen in this thread that revolve around 1000...where to
Exactly, it's scary not knowing what you'll get in return. I have several year 1's and don't think I would put in one of my Snow White's

We will split the same PODM game so it is fair. Those with awesome year one, and superb newer grails will be allowed to choose from all numbers, those with scenes under a certain price can pick from only certain numbers.
Exactly, it's scary not knowing what you'll get in return. I have several year 1's and don't think I would put in one of my Snow White's

I'd offer 2 PODMs before I offered up my Snow White.

And there it is 1000 posts!


That's the best I could do and it took me 10 minutes. LOL, but I'm being congratulated by my adoring fans.
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