Hi there!
I can understand some of your statement but I think the one thing is that no every person expects to get the pin(s) at cost. I know that when I get a pin from another area where I cannot get it at I have no problem paying more for the pin because with LE pins like this its hard to get. LE pins are getting harder to get and everything now that is decent is like gold here. Look at the DSF Cinderella pins. Do I collect it? No... Do I think it will trade well? Absolutely. Those pins are not easy to get for us. We have to camp now for about a full day to get those pins which is 2 per person or 1 per person. I am married to a wonderful guy who will sleep under the street lights in LA for me. Not every person has that luxury of having more than one person be able to go with them.
I get it, it can get frustrating on why pins cost so much. But when you look at the time and energy people have to put into releases maybe you could see that asking for a pin at cost isn't always realistic. It would be nice, but I never expect it. PODM are just as crazy. We have to work hard to get scenes from DLR. I don't live at WDW so I cannot speak for that but at DLR sold out in like 2 hours for the Lion King PODM. I mean... It's just one of those things where I can see both sides of the story but in the end each person is different.
I don't think it's fair to say, "I think other Ukers shouldnt be so quick to be helpful to everyone on the forum as US pins are getting harder to trader for PODM's and DSF one spring to mind for starters." Each person is different. Have I gotten pins for people at cost. Sure. Have I for anyone over seas. No, I have never traded with someone over seas but it doesn't mean I wouldn't do that for someone over there. Do I expect to get a pin at cost. No. It be nice but I don't expect it. I don't think every person does. I know your not saying every american expects it. But I am just trying to shine some light from another person's view.
That is a very nice pin. I hope the UK traders make new friends over the pond and get some amazing trades for it too.
I always wish the best. xoxo.