Pinpics response rate. Post your findings here.
ive sent out maybe 50 request in the past week or two and got 0 responses even trying to over trade just to see if i would get a response still nothing , if theres a secret to it please let me in on it
I get a lot of trade requests, but I can only look at a few and I don't have time to respond to each one. If I send a request out and don't get a response then I just figure the trade was denied. No big deal though.
I remember when I used to send out hundreds at a time, only maybe 5 or 6 would respond back.
I can see if you get bombarded with bad trade offers time and again of not responding to them. You are lucky to get so many offers. I have about double the pins you have in my traders and I am lucky to get 1 or 2 TA's a week. Now I'll have to check out your traders...LOL Thanks for your response
Personally, I don't respond to trade offers that I'm not interested in, and I generally prefer no response if there isn't a workable trade or possible counter-offer. "Deny" messages are inconvenient to be deleting all week, especially since they go to both my computer and my phone. I wouldn't inflict that on someone else, though I understand those who do only mean it as a courtesy.
I don't see the point in responding if I'm not interested, and I'm offended that people label me as "rude" just because I don't
If it's not a personal e-mail, you're not speaking directly to me, and I don't have to answer.
Also? Knowledge of a "No, thanks" doesn't get you any closer to the pin I have than no reply at all.
Thank you for your input. However, you might want to take this into consideration, if I take the time to try to make fairly equal offers and repeatedly do not get responses from a particular trader I have begun removing any TA's to that particular trader before they even get sent off. I have a lot of high end pins up for trade and think about what you might be loosing out by at least not acknowledging other traders. I can't be the olny one who is doing this.
Does anybody else check out other's traders and make counter offers or is that too much to ask?
Wow! Where did that come from. Nowhere in my comments or in any other comments thus far have I ever even mention the word rude and yet you have it in quotes. If I offended you by this post that is not the intent. I am mearly trying to shed light on a subject that I had some questions as I am sure others, especially newbies, have as well.
I don't understand why you'd do this. This seems like it takes more effort on your behalf to shut a door on a potential trade. Isn't it easier to just not edit your TA's like that?
Does anybody else check out other's traders and make counter offers or is that too much to ask?
Sometimes. If the trade is "in the ballpark," than yes. If it's not close and there were other matches available, than I figure the requester had the chance to send a more fair trade and chose not too, so what are the odds of them accepting anyway. Either they didn't select a pin from their trades that would have been a match.
If it's not a personal e-mail, you're not speaking directly to me, and I don't have to answer.
Also? Knowledge of a "No, thanks" doesn't get you any closer to the pin I have than no reply at all.
I cannot possibly guess what another trader will accept for a particular pin so in his/her opinion it might be an uneven offer because they value the pin differently than I do so I might not even be in the ballpark. However I might just have that pin they are looking for. You will not know the answer if you never ask the question.
Also? Knowledge of a "No, thanks" doesn't get you any closer to the pin I have than no reply at all.
Thank you for your input. However, you might want to take this into consideration, if I take the time to try to make fairly equal offers and repeatedly do not get responses from a particular trader I have begun removing any TA's to that particular trader before they even get sent off. I have a lot of high end pins up for trade and think about what you might be loosing out by at least not acknowledging other traders. I can't be the only one who is doing this.
I cannot guess what another trader specifically wants for a particular pin, so I invite people to check out my traders to see if there is something that they might want.
Does anybody else check out other's traders and make counter offers or is that too much to ask?
For the most part, you are correct with this comment. However, I personally have made many trades after I have sent others a note thanking them for responding to my trade offers. In that sence it is a direct email to the trader and it is more personal. It may not get me closer to the pin in the original TA but is gets me a lot closer to other pins that the trader has that he or she might be willing to trade just by knowing that I am willing to negotiate a fair trade. Again, I look as the TA offers as a starting point and not a contract set in stone.
The person was anonymous, and only one pin matched up for it. I put in the comment section something along the lines of stating "I know this trade is unfair. Please look through my traders for other possible offers". The response I got was "Please make a serious offer, or no offer at all." Obviously the person did not read my comment.
This topic has been discussed many many many times before and in the past those comments have been made. I believe that is what she was referring to, not a direct response to you.
This is where I would have to disagree a little bit. Not everyone has their email listed on pin pics, therefore the only means of contact would be to send an automated request. If you don't have your address listed, how can someone contact you directly? (I'm not saying anyone personally, I'm saying "you" to mean a general person). If I get no response, then I don't get the chance to find out what you actually DO want for the pin you have on your trades. And although sometimes a long shot, but you then miss out on one more person trying to help you find your wanted pin in order to make a trade with you. A "no thanks" email allows me to open a conversation to be able to find out what it WOULD take in order to make a trade, because by sending a reply I can now make direct contact with you as I now have your email address. But when I get no response at all, then we are both sort of losing out. Just the other day someone sent me a personal email asking for a certain pin, but explained that they don't have any matches and were wondering what we wanted to trade the pin for. I told them what pins we were looking for, and they sent out requests for us for those pins. So that means if they do get a pin we want, we can trade! The person who sent me the private email gets the pin they were searching for, and we get the pin we were looking for also! It's a win/win situation.
The other thing I've noticed with the few people who have their email listed, is when I take the time to send a personal email to the person telling them which pin I am interested in and asking what they are looking to trade it for, I'm not even getting responses to those emails. First it was mostly through regular email, but I'm noticing it more and more here on the forum also.
I respond to all trade requests, with the exception that someone else stated. When its the same request, for the same pin, with the same offers, from the same person, every single day after you have told them what you would like to trade the pin for, that's when I will stop replying. I don't stop replying forever, I will respond occasionally to remind them what I would like to trade the pin for. But I ALWAYS look through their traders (not just the matches) to see if a possible counter offer can be made before I respond with a "no thank you, hope to trade in the future!"
And someone else mentioned writing comments about mentioning counter offers and asking them to look through the trade list for other possible trades. I used to do that, but one reply I got a couple weeks back just proved to me that hardly anyone actually reads the comments. Yes, the trade I sent out was unfair, and I made sure that the person the request was going to knew that I was aware it wasn't fair. I was simply trying to make contact with someone. The person was anonymous, and only one pin matched up for it. I put in the comment section something along the lines of stating "I know this trade is unfair. Please look through my traders for other possible offers". The response I got was "Please make a serious offer, or no offer at all." Obviously the person did not read my comment.
I've given up on pinpics almost altogether. I use it more for inventory purposes then actually sending out trade requests. I used to send TONS every night. Now it's the occasional 3-5 every couple of days, and I too will go through the TAs and delete the ones that I know for a fact won't bother responding. Which will sometimes drop the number of requests to 1 or 2, or sometimes none at all. We used to get several requests a day, now it's down to no more then 3 every few days. Some days we don't get any at all. Waking up to requests used to be exciting to me, but now Pinpics has become a ghost town.
That basically sums up what I just spent forever trying to type out to make sense.
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