Oh yeah! I've done this many times (unfortunately!) ... I have pins on the walls, in drawers, in pin books, in plastic tubs & boxes, in binders, in bags. I reorganized a bunch of my pins a couple of years back ... and that was the last time I saw my Disney Auction Pirate Stitch pins!! (All LE 100's!!) I've looked and looked and near as I can figure, they Yo Ho, Yo Ho'd their way in to some secret dark alcove of my house, lamo!! Either that or the cats have them stashed some place, lol!
I've recently started going through my pins again and it's kinda of fun as I see pins that I haven't seen in ages ... and several of them are on my wants list, lol! I just need to have a bigger house and LOTS more time to spend on pins ... pin organizing, pin sorting, pin trading, arranging framed pins on the walls ... well most of my walls are already covered but maybe I could go higher? lol! Sorting out duplicate pins and putting them in the "trade" books! Oh to have lots of free time ... and I'm semi-retired! Guess I need to be completely retired?? hahaha!! My collection on PinPics may say I have 1737 pins but the actual figure is more like 5,000+ ... sshhh ... don't tell any one ok? Thanks, lol!!