so everyone is gonna close their pinpics account where am I supposed to trade

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so everyone is gonna close their pinpics account where am I supposed to trade


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I have been trading on Pinpics for 12 years! I am not happy Figgy & Britt left the site but I try to be positive; for that matter I am not happy Joette left Dizpins since then Disney information has been sporadic at best! so you are all saying you are closing your pinpics accounts because lansam sucks ok well I am not saying you are wrong but where is a person who paid them the $50- in September 2013 hoping they would keep the old site viable supposed to trade? PLMK Thanks! Janet
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To be honest, a lot of the new traders don't use PinPics. There been plenty of times when I reach out to someone on FB who says they don't have a PinPics and prefer to just send me pictures of their traders from their cellphone. eBay prices seem to have replaced trade/want ratio in importance when determining the value of a trade for most people.
To be honest, a lot of the new traders don't use PinPics. There been plenty of times when I reach out to someone on FB who says they don't have a PinPics and prefer to just send me pictures of their traders from their cellphone. eBay prices seem to have replaced trade/want ratio in importance when determining the value of a trade for most people.

I'm still fairly new to FB Disney pin trading (joined some pages Oct of last year). But I think this will be the wave of the future for Disney pin trading. I've been trading for 14 years and find trading on FB quite intimidating. Tho, I have made a few easy trades. For me, there is way too much buying and selling, but again, that seems to be where pin 'trading' is going.

For now, I will continue to use the old sites, but when the hammer comes down on both, I'm done. pinpics will never see a dime or one once of praise from me, ever!! I'll then have to jump in on FB and see if I can get used to it.
There will be another database style site launched eventually, hopefully sooner than later. This time it will be backed by people willing to fight PP to the death. PP is run by money hungry bullies that think they control the hobby....they are wrong.

As as for how/where to trade I agree that Facebook is 99% sales and those doing it are the newest wave of sharks/flippers and not a lot of people want to deal with them. Trading via Facebook is a dangerous undertaking with so many people scamming each other so I would say trading here (even though this site is also losing traffic) is a good option for now anyway. Hopefully the next database site will also have a forum that can be used for trading exclusively....selling pins for ebay prices can be found everywhere including ebay so a TRADE ONLY forum would attract a different element and would decrease the ever present animosity of seeing people selling a $14 pin for obscene amounts of money. I have said this since I joined here, blurring the lines of friendships/customer/sellers is a nasty business. Someone that wants to be fake friends with you so that you will buy pins from them is an all too common thing. Real friends help each other out not use them for fee free sales.

Had PP respected the trading community they could have made money from adds or other donations, their insanely greedy subscriptions for a site that doesn't even work was step one of the end. Deciding that they were the be all and end all of the hobby that self certified "graded" pin was the final straw and sent people away in droves. Their inability to act in a professional manner and the mass account deletes they did to anyone that spoke out against them showed even formerly loyal members exactly who they are.

I am disgusted and really sad that the one alternative to PP has been tricked into submission. There is no way that they could have won in any court. It's horrifying what money can do.

All around its it's a bad day for pin collectors. Oh and PINPICS SUCKS!
We've used PP for trading for many years. I can't say that I receive good trader offers thru PP & most of the trade requests that I send out aren't responded to, maybe those individuals no longer maintain their accounts. We did pay the $50 to trade on PP...mainly because there are a lot of good, down to earth people on Pin Talk...not as much of the drama that's on DPF. For me, I just like to trade & get to know people....not always an easy thing to do on DPF. Not sure what well do at this point. We'd like to fill in some holes in our collection, but Ebay or FB seem the only way to do that anymore. I'm just getting tired of all of the's too is too short. I'd like to find those individuals who really enjoy pin trading, for the sake of pin trading.
To be honest all these people saying there going to close there pinpics acount where will they now trade? As the saying goes they shouldn't cut off there nose despite there face! I think I'm going to keep my account as I'm still loyal to pinpics people are just too in patient to wait for them to sort the problems out on there site and pinpics hasn't said there going to shut the site down have they? I bet if they keep this site up then people won't be getting rid of there acounts on there!
For me, I just like to trade & get to know people....not always an easy thing to do on DPF. Not sure what well do at this point. We'd like to fill in some holes in our collection, but Ebay or FB seem the only way to do that anymore. I'm just getting tired of all of the's too is too short. I'd like to find those individuals who really enjoy pin trading, for the sake of pin trading.

Hey "Goofy" a lot of us are "still here"!! I have never had my Trade Assistant turned on at PinPics - preferring to trade in person but, I have made trades on this site just by sending a private message about a pin they have that I want & we go from there. Maybe you and I are in the minority or maybe, like me, there are more "quiet" pin collectors out there. You are right, life is too short to stress over a hobby (no matter how pretty those little pieces of metal are) but, keep looking here and at PinTalk and other sites to find fellow collectors. Don't give up :) !! TTFN, :tigger: Sue
I see the point to all of your comments here but me have had PP account since I started, for some reason the trade assit does not seem to work most of the time, never get any responses, as for trading on FB those trading there want the moon and stars most times for their pins. As for DPP have a lot of trouble navigating that site, personally don't care for it much.
No won't be closing my pinpics I use it all the time am sure they will get it together sometime in the future.

These are just my opinions here, as for the drama, there is way too much on here and a lot less on the other site, In my opinion, there is no need for any of it, those that cause the drama are acting like children, not grown adults. They are only pieces of shiny metal not worth the drama or the prices that people are charging, this is a hobby not a money maker. But people will continue to purchase pins from them at those prices and those of us that would like to have certain pins can't even afford them will only dream about them. Yes there are a few out there that will get pins for others and not charge arms and legs to do it, thank you for that.
From what I see, all the new people use Instagram to trade, then Facebook, then eBay for acquisitions. Some had PP just to keep track of their stuff. On PP I usually don;t even get responses to trade emails/requests. I think many now just use it to keep a log of their stuff and for reference to pins, like an anthology. When I went to DSF EVERYONE was on IG trading, following, hash tagging. Looks like that is where it is at right now. I made and IG just for pin trading purposes and usually buy what I want off eBay since honestly the traffic on this site is fairly low. On the Funko collection community forum or even my interest group forum there are literally hundreds of new posts a day. I am constantly struggling to keep up with all the new content. Here I feel like I can log in once every 3 days and still see the same posts and hardly any movement. Not bashing this site at all, just saying this isn't a 'hopping' forum as far as activity goes. I wish it was more active here! I enjoy forums and hubs of people all with the same hobby. FB just has way more new content being posted so in spite of its flaws, I enjoy the 'chatter' more over there.
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Disclaimer: I am a Premium Member of PinPics, primarily for the Pins @ Cost program

As you see, I put that disclaimer so people know that I am not trying to speak on behalf of anyone but myself. When I started pin trading after our first vacation in 2009, I had just joined DizPins and PinPics. After our second trip, I came home to find that DizPins was closing up shop and Cicada sent me an e-mail inviting me to join, what was at the time, a new site called DPF, LOL.

Speaking as someone who DOES NOT have a Facebook, Instragram, or any other widget that wants my life details all over the net, I use PinPics and this site to facilitate all my online trades, probably in an equal ratio. I am all for another site that might start up that can do pin trading like PinPics, and would be members on both, as I would not forsake my PinPics account for a new site, with the hopes of being able to reach both PinPics and the new site's users for trades. From what I have heard and even read in this thread, it seems to me like trading on sites like Facebook is truly a "at your own risk" thing, where sites like PinPics and here have feedback systems in place, etc.
Disclaimer: I am a Premium Member of PinPics, primarily for the Pins @ Cost program

Hi! I was hoping to get more info from you regarding the pins at cost program. How exactly does that work?

I chose to use DPP mainly because I found PP hard to use, slower and a little confusing. It also doesn't seem to load all features on my phone. Note: when I say PP, I mean the new site as I was not around during the old site.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm wondering if I'm just doing it wrong haha. Thanks!

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I trade on Facebook and the forum. Very rarely on Instagram too. I never really traded through PinPics, either the other trader was rude or they never replied. I only have a DPP account so people can actually see what I want, it's a bit easier than saying "just show me what you have".
Have I missed a thread or could someone walk me through how this Facebook or Instagram trading thing works? I have been around since the Pinpics & Dizpin's days, but just got into Facebook, even though I still don't know much about it. Any help on that would be great!
From what I have heard and even read in this thread, it seems to me like trading on sites like Facebook is truly a "at your own risk" thing, where sites like PinPics and here have feedback systems in place, etc.

pinpics has their own feedback system now? Just curious, as this is the first I've heard of it.

The only one I know of, is the Dizpins Reference center, which was never owned by Dizpins, but I do know Ralph was the last one to pay the bills on it.

I've only done a few FB trades, but honestly, I'd trust them over pp any day. At least when a trader scams people on FB, the news is out there pretty quick. pp, not so much. Unless someone complains loud enough, off pp's website, they just let bad people keep scamming people. I recently filed a report on someone who stole my pins (this trade was via pp's old TA system--I received the TA and accepted) and nothing was done for weeks, until one day I mentioned it here and I kid you not, I received an email from a pp mod, 20 minutes after posting it here, saying they sent an email to the other trader. Coincidence, I think not.

I'm not here to argue, just wanted to point out my personal experiences with both the new pp and FB.
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pinpics trading will continue, but get harder and harder to complete trades. It is already getting harder to make them though pinpics. As long as the old site is up and running it will be slightly easier. But when it goes away there will be many like me who will quit using pinpics altogether. Hopefully by then we will have a new pin database that is started from scratch and up and running. Keep your eyes open here as you will probably find out about it here first.
I hate Pinpics' new business practices, but for now I still have no better way to keep track of my pins. I won't be buying a paid membership, obviously. I haven't really had very many good trades through there; I get a TON of bad offers (I think at least some are people just clicking every match and not looking at the LE etc. of what they're offering) and every once in a while, a good one.

It's odd to hear that some people consider DPF to have more drama than FB, though. I mean, yeah, there's been some, as there will be in any collection of human beings... but it seems to me to have been so little, and to pass by so quickly. Since none of it had anything to do with me, I mostly just ignored it... and I've made some really fantastic friends here on DPF, and a lot of great trades (and purchases!) and was so excited to finally meet some of those wonderful friends in person at gatherings!

I spend a little time on Facebook, but I lose patience quickly with the annoying user interface and the annoying people there-- I see SO many more negative comments there than anywhere else. (And from what I heard about that "Disney Pin Confession" thing... yikes!)

Anyway, I'll be using PP as a database for now, but will probably keep arranging the majority of my trades through DPF.

As a side note... can anyone tell me how to turn trade requests OFF on the new pinpics? I can't find any such option...
Using the OLD PinPics ...
I do not want to trade for awhile. Can I turn off my Trade Assistant?
Yes, if you go to the My PinPics section and then click on edit my trades and wants and collection just before you get to the pins you will see a box next to the sentence: Do NOT include me in the automated Trade Assistant. Check that box and then save your changes. When you are ready to trade again simply come back to the same page and uncheck the box.

You may:
• Click here to edit your collection
• Click here to edit your collection AND your trades/wants.

• Use the Trade Assistant to set up or find trades:
o Click here to set up your trades
o Click here to locate pins you could trade now
o Click here to locate pins you could receive now
o Click here to view your current pending trade requests

You may:
• Click here to edit your collection
• Click here to edit your collection AND your trades/wants.
• Use the Trade Assistant to set up or find trades:

o Click here to set up your trades

Welcome …

When you specify sets of pins that you want and are willing to trade, you may occasionally receive e-mail messages when other members use the Trade Assistant to find potential traders. Check this box if you do NOT wish to be included in this automated service:

• Do NOT include me in the Trade Assistant.

Sorry I couldn't get the actual box show up but it's right here next to the "Do NOT include me in the Trade Assistant." Hope this helps!
well call me confused. I think some of these comments were before the demise of DPP- so sad. I for one still cant use the new pin pics. I end up frustrated and in tears (thats easy lately tho) I still cant figure out how to do trades on it by picking a person and doing matches to trades and wants. I cant leave messages to people stating Id add a pin etc. What i do need is the database for my pins. I use it for insurance purposes so I best re print if it seems like they are turning off the old site? I certainly hope the new site is fixed and smoothed out before they do so.
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