sorry to all of you i just got excited

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sorry to all of you i just got excited
Am I the only one who wants the Lucky and I believe, Yeti, badges???
Yes the kitty pins are very cute! But wait if there is going to be an Ariel pin released too..... WHAT IS IT?! I wanna seeeeeeee....! lol
love the Jessica pin and the Marie Sorcerer pins...I wonder how the Ariel pin looks like... now all i gotta do is knock next door and get my neighbor to place an order for me ...very tempting
If anyone is interested, I will try to place an order online Saturday as I work that day.

Echo, I would love as many of the character mystery pins as you could possibly get us... I know many of our beloved DPFers I could send them to... Especially those cute kitties... I could send funds via PayPal anytime you need it...
If your going to complain about this pic being up please don't post on this thread.itsnoy my fault I know an imagineer who is clueless about pins
Your Imagineer friend who supplied the images to you may be clueless about pins, but you dearie, are very much informed about these shiny pieces of metal and the rules of the forum. Furthermore, knowing that, you chose to post images of these pins when you knew full well that you should not post them in advance of Disney making a proper announcement of their release. Try taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming your friend for giving you the picture - which he/she probably shouldn't have done to begin with (and your posting these images might cost your friend his/her job if a connection between you and this Imagineer is made).
Wait!!! There is an Ariel pin too?!?!? Oh no, I hope it isn't something really nice because I try to get really nice LM pins and money is something I don't have a lot of when it comes to pins right now haha >_< When will the Ariel pin be released?
Looks like the pics have been deleted? I'm dying to see the kitties and I know I'm going to want them all. :)
Your Imagineer friend who supplied the images to you may be clueless about pins, but you dearie, are very much informed about these shiny pieces of metal and the rules of the forum. Furthermore, knowing that, you chose to post images of these pins when you knew full well that you should not post them in advance of Disney making a proper announcement of their release. Try taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming your friend for giving you the picture - which he/she probably shouldn't have done to begin with (and your posting these images might cost your friend his/her job if a connection between you and this Imagineer is made).

I don't think PrinceEric knew he wasn't suppose to be posting these pics, I think he's still a fairly new Cast Member.
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