Just curious Martin, the Comic strip Mickey? LE? and they let you buy 4?
Rung a few stores today, trying to find Stitch (posted this on FB too) here's the results...:anxious:
Norwich - Cheshire and Pluto have been delivered but no Stitch
Cambridge - again got Cheshire and Pluto
Milton Keynes - No
Luton - Not even heard of it
Leicester - No
Derby - Knew they
should be getting them, but none in stock
Sheffield - expecting them, but none this week
Leeds - expecting a Mickey St Paddy's day pin ... do they mean last years??
Manchester Trafford Center - No
Manchester Arndale - Manager was very helpful and asked all his CM's, one of which had heard it was an ONLINE EXCLUSIVE just today?!?! He did also comment on the online postage costs! (he wanted the online Genie pin, but refused to pay £4.95 p&p haha oh the irony! even their staff aren't prepared to pay it. it did make me chuckle
*anyone in Manchester with a genie pin to trade please visit the manager!*
and I'm waiting confirmation from...
Nottingham (delivery arriving now)
York (delivery arriving Fri 9am)
I hope this saves someone a journey! I know I have clocked up 200 miles already on trying to get this pin