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Update 1/4 Mystery Lots from buying off a HUGE collection + Old CL/HM Sets!

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Update 1/4 Mystery Lots from buying off a HUGE collection + Old CL/HM Sets!
I will buy a set of pins - I like Beauty and the Beast and Wall-E. Send me a PM with your info and I can paypal you and give you my shipping info!
so excited that you're okay with shipping internationally, but in my excitement to get to paypal I totally forgot to send you my address! I have sent it with my payment, but when I went to send it to you here as well your inbox is full! Please let me know if you still need it!
I am almost totally caught up on PM's! If you have not heard back from me you will tonight.

This has been INSANE! I am telling you, last night alone I spent 7 hours sorting pins b/c they were in such a disaster and with trying my hardest to accommodate requests to at least some extent I have spent hours just digging and looking. I have a round of packages that should go out tomorrow and that will hopefully catch me up with where I am at right now. Sorry I have been a little slow with a few that paid the end of last week. With being out of town all weekend then having family in this week I have not had as much free time as i had thought I would but I am working hard on packing tonight so they will be on the way asap!

I will have to share the picture of what my master bathroom looked like last night as that was where I was sorting them. It was crazy! LOL'

Just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has bought some. I sure did not need to be keeping this many pins so I am happy that I am able to send them out to others.
Ok, everyone who has paid thus far and did not have packages go out in the last round now has packages on the way! I made a huge drop off today and went to the PO for the international ones so everyone be on the look out for your lots to come in. I hope you will like them. I have had the hardest time digging through to get things that were requested.

Here is what my master bath was looking like last night while packing them up! LOL

Ok, everyone who has paid thus far and did not have packages go out in the last round now has packages on the way! I made a huge drop off today and went to the PO for the international ones so everyone be on the look out for your lots to come in.

oooOOOOOoooo I'm so excited!! Thanks for taking all that time and effort I just know that something awesome is on its way
I am so excited!!! Can't wait for these to come!!! It will be like Christmas morning I love the suspense and mystery of it all! Thank you so much Amanda!! Your hard work is really kind to try and accommodate requests. I am so excited to get these!
It's honestly my dream to find a huge collection like this and be able to buy it, though I'm not sure I even want to know how much you spent. More than I'll ever have at one time, I'm sure!! *lol* I love a lot of the pins I saw in the pictures but I just don't want to take the risk of getting stuff I don't want right now. Good luck with your sales though, I know you'll do awesome!
You are very welcome. I hope some more of them start to arrive today. Hopefully I got at least some things in each lot that everyone wants. I sure tried! lol
Just an update. I am trying to work on packages tonight for everyone who has paid in the last week. So sorry for being a little behind. First the kids were sick, then I caught it. Not fun! We leave for Disney on the 11th so I am just praying we all get rid of the crud before we go. Being sick on vacation = NOT FUN! lol

I will update as soon as this round is out in the mail.

No fun at all. I got sick the last 3-4 days of our 2 week trip to Walt Disney World.
No fun at all. I got sick the last 3-4 days of our 2 week trip to Walt Disney World.

3 Years ago on our trip we were all sick from day 2 until the end of the trip. I lost my voice from it and could not even speak on that trip. The kids had fevers and were miserable. It was just awful. I never want to go through that again. I am hoping we are getting it out of the way now. We leave next Sunday so that gives us a little bit of time to get rid of it and hopefully have a HEALTHY trip. Still feeling bad today and can't talk much. Gotta love the crud that the kids bring home from school! Yuck!

So I spent several hours last night working on packages and have them ready to go. I just need to get to the PO as one of them is international. Don't you just love that you can't do first class international shipping online? The post office is so far on the other end of town for me. Everyone who has paid over the last week should be looking for a package in the next 3-4 days. I hope you will all enjoy them.
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