WDW August Pin Event - Animation Celebration
Ok. 1) who will adopt me for this event cause I feel like a lost puppy dog just in the conversation much less at the event
2) thank goodness Moana is Animation Studios
3) how much do these boxes run? Same price as like the puzzle pieces for the aristocats and such? I need to know how many organs to sell off prior to the event in case it’s something I collect (like Incredibles!!!)
4) if you see two people that look lost at the event it’s probably me and my mom, stop and talk we love making new friends and unless you have a blinking banner above your head with your forum name I will be clueless that it’s some of my newly made pin friends!
The closer this gets the more nervous I get! Is that a reasonable way to feel?
The pin event first-timer
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Well if you come across me, I’m always super friendly. I’m one of those people who talks to whoever happens to be next to me. Also, I’m told I’m loud, so you might hear me before you see me.
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