WDW March Pick-ups: At cost!


Can you please put me down for

Pixar Party: Cars
Piece of Disney History: Cinderella’s Castle Flag

Thank you very much.

Can you please put me down for

Pixar Party: Cars
Piece of Disney History: Cinderella’s Castle Flag

Thank you very much.

I've got you on the list! Both Pixar Party and Cindy are getting rather full, so I'll send an invoice when I'm more confident I can pick them up. Thanks!

So weird! Cause that's not on my flyer... It's gorgeous! Well, now that I know what it is, I'll keep an eye out for it!


But see? Not on mine... Weird...

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Okay, thanks! I was starting to think I was crazy!! But, it's just Disney being crazy!
Are you going to be doing April pickups? If so, will you please grab an UP Timeless Tales collection pin for me? (Someone posted the WDW April flyer on Facebook.)
Are you going to be doing April pickups? If so, will you please grab an UP Timeless Tales collection pin for me? (Someone posted the WDW April flyer on Facebook.)
I am. :) I haven't seen the April flyer yet, but I'll be sure to mark you down. :) I'll probably post the sign up for April this weekend if the flyer is already out. :)

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Yeah, if you are doing April pickups could I get the live action Jungle Book pin and Pixar Party Ratatououille pin? Thanks so much
If you would, please hold off on making reservations for April until I get that thread open. :) it gets a little crazy trying to keep up when requests are in several different places. :) it's for my sanity, really. XD thanks :3

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All Pixar Party Pins have been obtained! Most of those get mailed out on Friday. :) Grabbing Alice Character Connections tomorrow! :3

Duets and Love Letters have been picked up! :D Shipping out tomorrow (super bad weather today!!!). Only one more for this month! Anyone else need the Figment AP on the 31st? :3
