SOLD! WDW May + Wall-E Anniversary Pickups: At Cost!
Sure thing. just hold off on that new invoice then until I cna confirm I get the new SW ones. And incase the Revenge of the 5th one is good.Ohh I would love to be put on the May the 4th and 5th Pins list please
To confirm my order
Poe X wing (I already sent Payment)
Granduation pin
May the 4th pin
May the 5th pin (if there is one)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think the R2 is exclusive to the website. As far as I know at least. But the other pins are fair game. just hold off on paying that invoice.Hi! I’m back in the country as of about an hour ago and that R2 May 4 Pin is already sold out on the website. I’d love one and that Falcon.