what are my frozen pins worth now
lol I am just kidding I would not sell my frozen pins not even for 1000 dollars. I just wanted to know what people thought about frozen winning the oscar
I like you lol. The Wind Rises is gorgeous!
Plus Frozen had no competition this year, hell I could have made an animated film of me running around in my boxers and it would have been a better movie than the Croods.
Plus Frozen had no competition this year, hell I could have made an animated film of me running around in my boxers and it would have been a better movie than the Croods.
I lost all faith in the Oscars when they picked Brave over Wreck-It Ralph. Brave visually was ok, but the story was lacking and botched and jumped around. WiR had it all and I think WiR's sustaining popularity and Brave's steady decline has made proof of that.
The problem is that politics are involved in everything and last year that was that whole video game ordeal due to that unfortunate school accident where video games were being blamed as the only reason for kid's violence (which in numerous studies have shown that there is inconclusive evidence both supporting and non supporting that theory, so the media cannot guarantee that is the reason). For that reason WiR was fighting a losing battle since I doubt parents would have taken well to a movie about how video games are great winning the Best Animated Film award If that competition was this year (Brave vs. WiR), I bet WiR would have won <_< Sad but true...